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Chef Jim

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Everything posted by Chef Jim

  1. He cares for one reason and one reason only. Because Trump wanted it. He can’t even articulate why we shouldn’t build it.
  2. Now it’s your turn. Proof of the Russian interference and the Trump collusion. Aaaaaaand GO!
  3. Absense of vindication is not proof of guilt. You’ve been CONNED!! 😂😂😂
  4. Oh I believe it could be true and probably was. You rode the “I have proof train” when you had none. So my work is done here. What’s bad about sex parties? I never took you as the prudish type. You’re jealous of Trump! Ha!!
  5. Yes lots of lovely anecdotes. I said proof of sex parties. And if they are true what pray tell is wrong with sex parties? You jealous?
  6. You don't read very well. I said I did look it up and I found no fish. I just found a hook with a worm on it. Maybe I missed the smoking gun. It's very simple. Copy and paste. I would love to see what proof you have sound. Trump Epstein Sex Parties. No fish.
  7. Insults? Does that mean you have no proof. No need to insult. Just say you were lying about sex parties. Unless of course you have definitive proof. There is proof to an open minded person which I am. So what are you basing you sex party allegations on?
  8. CRT is not that divisive. How many times do we have to explain that's not our concern. Religion in it's purest form isn't divisive either however many don't want it pushed in schools. Why is that?
  9. I did. Found zero proof of sex parties. You got something that google doesn't?
  10. If there was actual climate change wouldn't we be breaking records every summer? Pissed? Not me but thanks for thinking of me.
  11. What makes you say I'll forget? No need to look it up. You mentioned it so I assumed you had some proof of these sex parties. So what's your proof?
  12. What in the ever loving hell?? So Palm Springs is less affluent than Inglewood.
  13. Well let me ask you. If the planet was burning up the answer would likely be yes correct? Why do we have two threads on Climate change.
  14. My main issue with reparations is very simple. Giving people money solves nothing. 70% of people who win a lottery or windfall go broke. We know this. We’ve seen this. However for some reason we keep doing this. @Motorin'’s idea of giving them a free education is somewhat better but how many people with a college education go end up broke or on the street. Am education promises nothing. It’s what you do with it that is the key and that comes from upbringing. It’s a feel good idea that will likely do absolutely NOTHING.
  15. Baseball games in front of cardboard cutout fans.
  16. What proof will be required to prove they are descendants from slaves? I can trace my maternal grandfather’s family back to The Fortune which was the second ship to arrive at Plymouth. I know it’s true. I saw it on the internet. On my dad’s side not past my grandfather. So what will be the cost for 100 years of free college and what will that add to the cost of and 1/8th of Hindu Kush?
  17. Hopefully Republicans will hire a marketing firm that will help them get votes from Hispanics. Their values align so well with conservatives. I just don’t get it.
  18. Census records? How do we definitively connect blacks today to slaves of 400 years ago without DNA? They don’t even know who built our family home 155 years ago.
  19. Whew. But here’s the thing. None of us blinked an eye at it. 😂
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