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Chef Jim

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Everything posted by Chef Jim

  1. You’re an easy target dude. Let’s have a real debate. I’ll let you pick the topic and I’ll start and you can have the first rebuttal. Let’s do it.
  2. RIP and thank you for your service to you country sir.
  3. I love it here. It’s posters like you that prove to me all day every day the right is right and the left is pathetically immature. And you want me to get out of here because you’re tired of me pointing it out to you every day. 😂😂😂 And there we have it folks. @BillStime ‘s well honed debate tactics on full display.
  4. Yeah you hurt my feelings. They do not do the exact same things. Take at look at B-Man's post here. And then yours............... They are so identical I can hardly tell the difference.
  5. What the ***** dude. You give B-Man ***** for what he posts and this is your retort. You're a pathetically small man.
  6. Tells us Trump lives rent free in your head without actually telling us Trump lives rent free in your head.
  7. I see. So using critical thinking and taking all the information gathered on a specific topic with a grain of salt to determine it's veracity and to form my own opinion is what you consider a Trump supporter? Thank you for clarifying that.
  8. Aren't lies information too? Again. Grow the ***** up.
  9. Have you learned anything about it yet or are you remaining to be ignorant? Grow up. Information is all around us. It's our job to take that information with as big a grain of salt that we want. It's what critical thinking people do. I can understand why that doesn't make sense to you.
  10. I don't think his MO is to get replies but to throw out information.
  11. Trump was the best Troll ever. So many people have no idea that's why we loved him so much. He trolled liberals until their heads exploded and continue to explode. It's a beautiful thing. THAT'S the biggest reason why I love him.
  12. Wait….. Have you all been saying that a politician promised something outlandish that didn’t happen?? Woah. THAT’S never happened before. You guys are hilarious. Now that’s something I can get behind. Better then than our tax dollars. Buying and selling soldiers. 😂😂😂
  13. Ok I did a search. I got 2,482 hits. I ain’t got time for that r.
  14. So we’ve discussed it before it can never be discussed again? Remind me.
  15. So how ya planning on solving the issues at the source. What’s your plan?
  16. Well then. Keep it up Joe. Better to troll me than to “run” the country.
  17. We have to get an accounting of: A. How much in taxes and fees are being collected B. What is the money being used for and what it that amount. C. A-B=waste. Quite simple actually.
  18. Yes. What don’t you understand?
  19. So because it’s never been fixed in the past it won’t or can’t be fixed in the future? That’s a lazy defeatist path to take. You must be a Bills fan. How do you propose to fix the problems at the source?
  20. Mexico is going to pay for it? When did I ever say that? What are the issues at the source and how do you propose to solve (sorry they will never be solved 🙄) these issues? And we are the biggest cause of the problem. We fix our house first. Fix what you control.
  21. I’ve wanted a wall a couple decades before Trump came along. Trump has nothing to do with my opinions. See, unlike you, I can think for myself. I rarely post links or memes. If you think we think a wall is going to keep all illegals out you’re really dumber than you look. Of if course you build a wall there will be people that will figure a way to get over and under. It won’t stop 100%. That will never be the purpose of a barrier. Question. Do you feel it’s a good idea to have an open border AND heathcare for all regardless of immigration status?
  22. Typo. Reread my edited post. #notlosinglost More proof time. Proof walls don’t work.
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