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Chef Jim

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Everything posted by Chef Jim

  1. End of the month. I’ll be at your namesake bar (now the Blue Dog or something) early and often.
  2. DeSantis begging Trump. Bwahahahahahahahaha!! Ah the ole Twit Headline Hysteria. You're a riot Billy boy.
  3. Hence my concern for "teaching CRT" to children.
  4. Inflation is a boogeyman?? You're not that clueless are you? Maybe they do but it's not up to the government to determine what that is. Especially the federal government. A "living wage" is vastly different from the backwaters of the south vs downtown LA. And by the way what does a living wage even mean. A bum living in a cardboard box brings in $20 buck a day. He's living right?
  5. You don't have a clue as to how economics works do you? Where do you think that additional $6-$7 an hour comes from? The sky? I assume you love inflation?
  6. Read that Twit from LP again. What does it say? What does it imply from LP?
  7. His words were not against the guard. You tend to hear what you want or more accurately what your Twit feeds tell you in their "headlines"
  8. What's the fascination with FL? And you numbers are a bit off. Max benefit in FL is $275 plus the $300 fed so it's $575 a week. And that's one of the lowest benefits in the country. This isn't a FL issue is a US issue.
  9. Love?? How did I know that was coming. What's for lunch?
  10. Racism in our country's history is not a liberal or conservative thing. Ok we teach them history. I'm pretty sure we do. However CRT and how it will most likely be taught in schools will not be just about history. It will be about the future too. That's the issue.
  11. You’re the one that has been going on about adults beind out of work and having their unemployment taken away. Why not go back to the original lines of work?
  12. So you’re talking fast food. You do realize that is only a portion of the hospitality industry right?
  13. Kids jobs? Restaurants? You do know who you’re talking to right? The hospitality industry is one of many industries short on staff
  14. You can only show respect for people who are present? That’s a new one. Why would I support it? To keep terrorists occupied there instead of here. It worked.
  15. Excuse me? The only way to show someone respect is in front of his family?? What in earth is wrong with you?? I absolutely supported the war. Why would I not admit it?
  16. I’m not in mourning but showing respect for a man a husband a father and a grandfather. I’m not shocked at all you don’t understand the word respect.
  17. Yeah I guess debating with a man-child would be unfair. Kind of like a biological man competing against a girl. Good decision on your part
  18. Every question I ask is absolutely relevant you’re just not wise enough to understand that. And damn those irrelevant questions such as: What makes the GA voting Bill racist? Still waiting on that. Or my favorite: How did TN lawmakers vote themselves a raise. You shut up on that one. Why? So let’s have a real debate.
  19. I think she should get a reward!! Yes: Chef Jim: For You.
  20. You wouldn’t know a debate tactic if it smacked you in the face. Pick the topic. One you KNOW you can win. I’m that confident. We can even have the board vote on the winner. Start a thread. Bring it.
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