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Chef Jim

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Everything posted by Chef Jim

  1. What part of our racial history will schools be using CRT to cover that is not already covered? Again you have no clue (well you do but you're to brainwashed to listen) as to what our concern is.
  2. If those that can't get vaccinated are masked why should those that are not vaccinated?
  3. I was real disappointed to learn Orange in German is Orange. Took the sails right out of that joke.
  4. Well Regulated to a…….. Liberal = restrict Conservative = let me do what the ***** I want.
  5. I heard that while in exile he’s writing Mein Orange.
  6. I got a new doctor 4 years ago when I moved back to SoCal. He pushed Vitamin D on me like crazy. I've been taking 10,000 IU daily for a couple years now.
  7. He did? That's like saying if someone said the Patriots did some good things winning all those SB's means that person supports the team.
  8. What does this have to do with the thread title? How does what he said make him a Fascist?
  9. And what shall I do with them once I round them up?
  10. This is such a flawed argument. You make drugs legal you think the cartels are just going away or start selling Mary Kay? You can't just cut off their current business model. They will move on to some other nefarious way to make shitloads of money.
  11. Hmmmm why are you getting so flustered at a simple question? Do you have an idea on what types of regulations will make these shootings go away? If you don't that's ok. Tell you what. I'll make it easier for you. Instead of the absolute you proposed how about an idea on what regulations will make the number of shoots drop. Let's start there.
  12. There I go again? Asking you to clarify a position you have about a very important topic makes me an idiot? No that makes you an idiot for proposing something idiotic and I'm just calling you out on it. Your response here is exactly what I'm looking for. My work is done here. Thanks. Now you can save face and engage in a debate. Maybe you have some fascinating idea on how to make shootings become a thing of the past. I'm all ears if you do.
  13. If being asked to clarify your position bothers you I suggest you play someplace else. So what regulations do you propose that will end the shootings?
  14. I do not. So you have nothing other than trolling. But we knew that. Ahhh so many variables. But let's look at what is typically the largest monthly expense (after taxes) which is rent. Rent is a "fixed" cost. But often that cost is shared by spouses, significant others and/or roommates. So based on that a living wage for a married person, or someone with roommates or a significant other is likely going to be a lot less that a single person correct? I've had a roommate since I was 20 and I'm now 60. Do you agree with a national living wage?
  15. Ahhh so all the poor souls need is a job. A criminal is a criminal for many reasons but the biggest is likely they don’t want to work regardless of the pay and they love having control over others. Kind of like when they asked one of Attica’s most famous “residents”, Willie Sutton, why he robs banks and his reply was “because that’s where the money is!” Now I have to ask you because you mentioned it and this is my new question. Define a living wage.
  16. To a 12 year old such as yourself that’s not really saying much.
  17. I'm in Southern California and have been here since 1983 so I know. But Hispanics are being told that Trump and those of us on the right are racists. Our value system of pride in ourselves and our country, self responsibility, small government, hard work, etc etc is so much in line with theirs. I'd throw a strong belief in God in there but I'm a non-believer. The left own the marketing machines.
  18. Nope. She deserves so much more. Besides I’m not sure how much of it she saw.
  19. I’m not sure I understood you properly. Are you saying if you didn’t reach your goals you didn’t work hard enough is utter nonsense?
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