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Chef Jim

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Everything posted by Chef Jim

  1. I’ll be fair here and make @BillStime happy and say “wrong thread”.
  2. This is one of the reasons why way back at the beginning of this I was saying the place to make money is creating some sort of liability insurance for employers. At that point in time it was for employers who “made” their employees work.
  3. Right now my skin color is kind of brownish. Come winter I’m a pasty white. What about telling you I go to the gym everyday lacks credibility? And wealth is relative.
  4. Partially. I'm a Boomer. Describe things Trump has done that makes him a Fascist wannabe? BTW I thought he WAS a Fascist not a wannabe. We have a thread titled that here so it must be true.
  5. Excellent. Making fun of my age. What's next my skin color? BTW no walker. I was at the gym like I am every day. Good for you on the gay marriage. I've been railing for that for probably 20 years. This still doesn't fix the fact that you used a failed argument of not being a leftist because you think Biden is the worst. Now when's recess Because it seems to be quite logical that he would delete anything you posted due to dumbassery than anything political.
  6. Probably not because it won't likely be necessary by then.
  7. He is?? You’re not very perceptive are you. Hows the drinking problem Ted?
  8. You want real perspective? I’ll give you real perspective. Chef Jim does not approve (adamantly BTW) of cinnamon in a Latte.
  9. Maybe he wants to avoid him. But seriously what did Darin ever do to you?
  10. Good for him. Sounds like you too. Wow now that’s is some deep ***** right there. 🙄
  11. Well that’s very telling that Darin had warned you. Has anyone else here been warned by Darin or just Billy here?
  12. Imagine being forced to take a not yet approved vaccine or lose your job.
  13. So if you joined in 2020 how do you know anything about Darin’s moderation of PPP? 🤔
  14. You can not like Biden at all and still be a leftist. Logic appears to not be your best suit. Correct me if I’m wrong guys but Darin left moderating here long before Trump.
  15. Was he going to be the next President or something according to CNN??
  16. How does it effect us if the Taliban takes over that shithole? BTW I agree 100% with what Biden said in the video you shared.
  17. And who pray tell are my masters and where am I getting their messages from?
  18. My answer was was not simple enough for you to understand. I am not upset with CRT (I assume that’s what you meant by this). I think it’s quite interesting as most theories are to people who think for themselves. So again it’s not the theory I’m concerned about. Now Billy boy….this would be great time to ask me a question.
  19. See you don't even know what my argument is. You know why? You don't ask questions. You assume. Not a good debate tactic William. Try a little harder ok.
  20. You're welcome. We ***** ROCK!!
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