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Chef Jim

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Everything posted by Chef Jim

  1. It was a dumb question not worthy of an answer. I So you can tell refuse to answer my questions because you consider them dumb. This makes you a winner. But when Abbott does the same he’s losing? Glad to see your confusion/hypocrisy continues. Carry on Billy Boy.
  2. Oh I’m a dipshit? Name calling. How adult of you. I did listen to it. What was his answer?
  3. Well good to see you've linked and commented on an article that appears you didn't read or did read and didn't understand because that is not at all what Peggy was talking about. But to your point doing what's right is often not very popular. People, for the most part, are lazy morons and the left caters to people's lazy moronic side. Being popular does not make an issue the best thing, or even right, for the country. We'll start with a couples Republican issues. Free markets. Are you for a free market? State's rights? Are you for or against State's Rights?
  4. Trust me. Here in California they will have hell to pay if they restrict anything.
  5. Not everyone are sheeple. They won’t go back on lockdown.
  6. They go back to lockdowns they will have a ***** mess on their hands.
  7. So in 1961 blacks were not allowed to earn a good living? Here is a perfect example of why we are against the teaching of “CRT” to children.
  8. They are only stupid to you because they are meant to expose you as the fraud you are. Hence the reason you avoid them like the plague. It’s quite fun actually.
  9. This is as good a place as any to drop this. Peggy brings up some very good points. A lot of what she is saying can be seen from our liberal friends in the PPP microcosm. https://www.wsj.com/amp/articles/the-culture-war-is-a-leftist-offensive-11625784024
  10. Fight like hell until their bus transfers expired. You’ve said some real dumb ***** here but this one takes the cake. 😂😂😂
  11. He did. What’s your point now? You’re all over the place this morning Billy Boy. Try decaf.
  12. I’m sorry. I assume you posted this as a response to my post but I don’t understand the relevance. What does this have to do with my point about everyone leaving to catch the westbound 271 milk run? Wait….we’re they vandals or insurrectionists?? Insurrectionists typically don’t get bored and leave.
  13. Do you have some kind of filter on your brain that takes things people are saying and interpreting it to fit your narrative? I suggest you quit while your behind.
  14. Yes January 6 happened. A bunch of people went to the Capital. Some got out of hand. You calling it an attempted coup is a major fantastical recounting of the day. Bravo Billy Boy Bravo! They had buses to catch. LOL!
  15. So if they were going to overthrow the republic why did they leave when the bus drivers came around and said "time to go"? No your whole "1/9 overthrow of the government" now holds exactly zero water. How are we rewriting history? You're the one writing history to justify your narrative...which you, without even realizing it, killed. Bravo Billy Boy! Bravo!!
  16. I have a video of me playing drums. If the donations get high enough I'll post it. LOL
  17. And your response was new and enlightening.
  18. So if their whole purpose was to overthrow the government why did they have return trips or even care about leaving? “***** look at the time! Ok guys. Gotta roll or the buses are leaving without us!” So you, in three words, just killed your whole accusation/argument. Bravo!
  19. That’s all you took from his post? Why do you think they all just packed up and left? If they were so intent on overthrowing the government they would have stuck around? What are your thoughts about that?
  20. And they were never called out on it. What a ***** joke.
  21. The source and method of delivery? Go on…. No I’m brown because I’m of Italian descent. And pasty in the winter because I’m also of British descent. But you continue with my age. Classy.
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