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Chef Jim

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Everything posted by Chef Jim

  1. We know when it's actually from Biden when it starts with "come on man!!"
  2. "This is the worst since...................." is the new lead in for everything these days.
  3. Most people that live on minimum wage share rent/entertainment (cable/streaming)/utilities via a significant other or a roommate/roommates so based on that your math is off.
  4. So explain how a duly elected leader who is a socialist would work differently from a dictatorship. I agree with you they are different but explain not just the difference in structure but the difference of desired and actual outcome. Save yourself some keystrokes next time
  5. ***** yeah. They have Cheese!!
  6. A guy just sitting in his car and a pack of Spandex Mafia riders come towards him. Two hit him and one rolls up his car’s hood and over the windshield and rolls back down. It’s a beautiful thing.
  7. You challenge no one. You challenge the ***** out of me?! Now that’s some truly delusional ***** right there. Who are my keepers Billy Boy?
  8. Seriously? I never watch any of those but you assume what you want. But the funny thing is you never gave me “your take.” You game me Amazon reviews. 😂🙄
  9. No that would be you. Who between us has a majority of their posts just regurgitation of what other have written, posted, Tweeted? I rarely share others’ content. You however rarely post something original. You rarely even attempt to defend your positions. You know why? You don’t think. You post what others say. Copy/paste/Tooly Boy.
  10. I’m defending no one. You however are equating someone tragically killed to a Nazi. Grow the ***** up. Yes. She’s a terrorist. 🙄
  11. Chef Jim is now very happy. https://vm.tiktok.com/ZMdVdAjgY/
  12. WTF is wrong with you?? One of the reasons why I don’t watch sports anymore.
  13. For a second there I had no idea what you were talking about. I had forgotten my Mary Kay comment.
  14. Seriously? You’re wanting me to come to a a conclusion as to how “we” could have done better on a pandemic from Amazon reviews from strangers? Can I safely assume, because you used it as “evidence”, we could have done better the book blasts the Trump administration? It got a lot of 5 Star reviews. So I guess in your mind this, likely heavily opinionated piece, is correct it its assessment because of all those 5 star reviews? Let me ask you. How fair and balanced do you think those 5 (and 1 star for that matter) reviews were? Of what political stripe are those who bought a book entitled: Preventable: The Inside Story of How Leadership Failures, Politics, and Selfishness Doomed the U.S. Coronavirus Response likely to be? Now if I’m buying an air purifier and you send me to Amazon for reviews you might have something. 😉
  15. Which ones. The ones that loved it or the ones that thought it was a political hit piece?
  16. I ask how we could have done better and you link to a book. In your own words what could we have done differently? And this is a classic example of hindsight being 20/20. In my mind the perfect example of Mother Nature doing her thing is how Florida and California handled it. Almost complete ends of the spectrum worn almost identical results. Virus gonna virus.
  17. It’s an example of what? I’m just looking for clarification that’s all.
  18. Legalize marijuana! Tax it! Raise money! The cartels will go away! They said. I said then that legalization of marijuana will not have the cartels disband and sell Mary Kay. https://www.latimes.com/california/story/2021-07-11/illegal-marijuana-grows-have-overrun-the-california-desert?_amp=true
  19. If it is truly voter suppression would it suppress all votes not just democratic votes?
  20. Triggered? Nah. So why is an energy problem now all of a sudden and issue with you? It sounds like you’re the one that is triggered by my question. Back to the Tool shed with you Billy Boy. Because those damn POC were able to vote. We MUST suppress the black vote. 🙄 BTW it was and still is broke.
  21. Wait….a politician good at bs??? Nooooo. 🤦🏻‍♂️ Why does California have “no AC” in the summer. Funny how this all of a sudden becomes an issue for you when it’s been a California issue for decades. Is it because of what you’ve been “told” the think. Good little tool Billy Boy.
  22. Triggered much. He didn’t deflect. I likely made a determination that it wasn’t worthy of an answer. It was a pretty dumb question. What are your thoughts of his other comments? The one about having someone in your car was pretty dumb but the rear were pretty spot and on.
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