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Chef Jim

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Everything posted by Chef Jim

  1. So what you’re saying is a media that made sure to let everyone know that 1/6 was an attack on democracy feels it’s not necessary to inform us that the Cuban protests are against communism? Did I get that right? Saying these protests are against communism would be an opinion piece? Is that what you’re saying? And I’m not just talking the headlines. I searched the articles and most of them didn’t even mention communism.
  2. We don’t need it. It’s called journalism. You know: “just the facts ma’am”
  3. I just think it’s quite interesting that the media fails to mention the main reason they are protesting. The Times, in its headline blames hunger not the cause of that hunger.
  4. Several of the links Warcodered posted didn’t mention the C word. Yeah that’s it. 🙄
  5. There seems to be a “blackout” of the word communism.
  6. They sure seem to be missing it now.
  7. I think the OP needs to update the title. These are Hunter's paintings not Joe's
  8. Trump Trump Trump Trump Trump. Pathetic.
  9. I'm sorry what does Hillary have to do with my post?
  10. Ok so what were you saying with that picture you posted as a response to his post. Or was it just next on your "Wheel O' Memes?"
  11. No they are not the same as us. But you didn't seem to have a problem when Obama wanted to play nice with a regime that did all those things you mentioned to their people. I find this whole thing quite interesting.
  12. And you responded with a picture that had................oh never mind.
  13. Sadness. I'm sorry. It's like losing a love. Time heals all wounds. The hurt will get less and less with time.
  14. I ***** love that man and how he's ***** with you and continues to do so. It's such a beautiful thing to behold!
  15. To be fair the right did it with Clinton and Obama but this however is over the top derangement.
  16. You'll get used to it. Post something about climate change? Trump Post something about Biden's screw up? Trump Post something about the economy sucking? Trump Post something about the economy doing well? In spite of Trump Post something about Cuba? Trump Yadda yadda..............
  17. I would imagine the double standards would be coming from both sides. Wouldn't you agree?
  18. Reminds me of a story I was just telling my wife about yesterday. Years ago when I was a Chef at the Hilton in Long Beach I was walking in the employee entrance. There was a guy standing at the entrance handing out Union propaganda. I looked at one and asked in a hushed tone looking around to make sure no one could hear us. "Do you want me to hand this out inside??" He lit up like a Christmas tree "oh YES!! That would be GREAT!!" He gives me all his pamphlets. I walk in the door and promptly throw them all in the trash. There is a sucker born every day. That's some high quality propaganda right there. Want me to hand them out at the next Trump Rally for you?
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