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Chef Jim

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Everything posted by Chef Jim

  1. The gay couple remark shows me you have no clue as to who I am and what my ideals are. And we're the problem.
  2. Got it. Thanks for the public display of your maturity level. Carry on...............
  3. So you got nothing. Just opening your yap as I had suspected Carry on............
  4. Well choosing a political title as his screen name is very apropos. He, like most politicians, opens his yap and says things without first thinking.
  5. What makes you say that? Why 15 years? Why might it be a good thing?
  6. Yes you are right. Now why are you certain that this his how it will be taught? Do you have no concern as to how this will be presented? You actually have faith in a system that has "created" wokeness to do the right thing? You are one naive child if you do.
  7. I'm still waiting on our cookies and milk. What's the point of this thread? Why is it here? What does it have to do with the forum?
  8. And how sick did these people get? Now many died? How many recovered?
  9. This is nothing new. We've been a polarized country from day one. If you remember there was this "thing" in the mid 19th century that demonstrated how polarized we are. It's just 24/7 news cycle and social media that has it in our faces all day every day. I'm not worried.
  10. My concern is and has always been not with the teaching of history. I love history...all of it. My concern is the potential to use the curriculum not to teach/inform of the past but to shape the future. And if people don't think this won't likely happen have not been paying attention to academia the past 10 or so years.
  11. Who is sugar coating our history? Explain how that's EXACTLY what's happening.
  12. Because the 19th century called and they want their voting methods back. Isn’t technology the progressive way?
  13. You’re giving a reason why the left is against ID. Seeing I’ve not heard anyone really articulate why they are against it other that THATS RACIST!! leads me to the conclusion that the main reason they are against it is because those of us on the right are for it.
  14. No. The amount we as taxpayers spend on a President’s leisure is a pittance compared to the incredible waste found in all levels of government left/right/center. Money spent on a President’s leisure (any President) is not a waste. Money spent to line politicians’, and their “posse’s” pockets or for pet projects is obviously a waste.
  15. To me voter ID is a thing for one reason and one reason only. More and more voting will be done online or via mail in. It’s so much easier to verify via a number than a signature. It’s as simple as that.
  16. So to you more money for government equals a more efficient government. Boy have they pulled the wool over your eyes. In business more efficient typically means less waste. Something the government just doesn’t understand. And you know why? They are never ever held accountable. Let me ask you. Now much of the $1.2 trillion of our tax dollars for the infrastructure bill is going towards a more efficient government?
  17. I searched communism. So my fault.
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