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Chef Jim

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Everything posted by Chef Jim

  1. I was going to say using a track event as an example was a very poor one. White kids need a 250 year head start.
  2. I do have it under control. Now on to the who's chili is better conversation. PS. I'll win that one too.
  3. Then I am more qualified that you (whatever it is you do) to know how much wealth gets passed down from generation to generation aren't I? And lighten up? I'm not sure what you mean by that. Are your comments not to be taken seriously? I'm sorry I think I missed that. Please point out where I have ever advocated for more redistribution of wealth? And if you think your tax dollars are being redistributed to those in need more so that to those in power and their friends you've got your head buried.
  4. Why not? That's quite the defeatist attitude. You must be a Bills fan. You might as well define fat while you're at it.
  5. Destroy the Republican Party. What the ***** is THAT nonsense?? A one party system sure is a way to go.
  6. Interesting. What do you know about my weight? Yeah those poor old overweight people. I sure hope they've gotten the shot. BTW what is the risk of death from Covid?
  7. You did not answer me directly. It's a simple question counselor. What makes the Georgia Law Jim Crow on steroids? I'm getting the feeling you don't have an answer for that. Actually I've had that feeling for several months now.
  8. Seriously? Maybe I should remind you what I do for a living. I help people (mostly white) all the time who have inheritances from their family. Your dad owns a beat up Honda. Does he own a home? Remember whites have been able to own homes here in the US for a few hundred years. Blacks have not had that kind of history. My point is that excuse should be and has been fading over time. What are the current estate tax exclusions? I would rather see them eliminate the step up in basis. That only affects people who sell what they inherit. The estate tax taxes assets sold or not and often times those assets are VERY illiquid. My fear is they will ***** with both which will be a mess. (Sorry Irv)
  9. Was there systemic setbacks at some point that black people had to deal with that whites did not? It's not that the system gave us generational wealth. It put blacks behind in that ability to establish generational wealth.
  10. So how does reparations for African Americans look in your mind?
  11. To be fair Deek though you may not feel you have benefited from generational wealth there are many white families who have. More so than black families. It hit me when I was watching the news a couple weeks ago and they did a "This date in history". They mentioned that was the date that Tom Bradley was sworn into office as mayor of LA. He was the grandson of a slave. Having said that the time for using that as an excuse is growing shorter and shorter.
  12. Well because Cuban protests are stinking POC's while the BLM was mostly rich white kids with time on their hands. So there is that angle.
  13. Ooooooh another Zinger. Your retorts are ***** brilliant counselor! Bravo! Next you'll pull a John Adams on me and start making fun of my age.
  14. That the Law addressed the lines by making them longer. You know.......that lie. What makes the Law Jim Crow on steroids? That floor is yours counselor.
  15. WHO: These new variants could be both more dangerous and hard to contain, or less dangerous or easier to contain. We haven't a flipping clue.
  16. So border (not boarder) security plays no part of your plan?
  17. I do every day. Well except for the cavalcade of Twits shared here all day every day. And what dangerous orders are we actually talking about here?
  18. I heard Joe Biden called Jim Ostrich this morning. LOL
  19. At what point did (or do) the black citizens of this country start to build their generational wealth? What's stopping them now?
  20. Are you truly this naive? It's not just having the ability to vote. It's who you're voting for that actually makes the changes and if they don't make any changes you have what we have here. Good on the Cuban people
  21. They did address it. But you're too partisan to realize they did. So what makes this Bill Jim Crow on steroids? You all seem to have VERY hard time articulating this. It quite amusing as to how you love to throw out the word Hoax when you in fact don't use hoaxes you use lies. Bravo!! So how is this Bill Jim Crow on steroids? I think a great way to demonstrate that is take some Jim Crow laws and put them side by side this law to demonstrate the steroid aspect.
  22. And their fear was obviously unfounded correct? He was unfit. Fine. He's gone. Get over it you triggered child.
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