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Chef Jim

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Everything posted by Chef Jim

  1. So if we outlaw guns (I know you’re not saying that) these illegal guns become super secret illegal guns?? Ah yea the stupid “we need more guns” thread rears Its stupid head once again.
  2. Biased journalist “trying to tell the truth.” What the ***** is this nonsense? 😂😂😂
  3. Ooooooh two men arrested. 1/6 was 9/11 on steroids! Oooooh. 1861 on steroids.
  4. So that's all you got? Wait times? This makes it Jim Crow on steroids? If is wasn't so sad that you actually think this is Jim Crow, let alone Jim Crow on Steroids, I'd laugh my ass off. But unfortunately, it's not a funny topic.
  5. I haven’t found it. The search feature sucks and I don’t have time to sift through your posts. So save my lazy ass the trouble and recap or for me. If not I’ll just take this as admission you ***** up by calling it Jim Crow on steroids.
  6. Yup. I take as definitive anything a complete stranger says on a sub-forum of a football message board.
  7. Why have you not taken the opportunity to publicly refute my stand in the post you quoted? It’s because you realize you (and Biden) have been completely wrong in your assertion that the Georgia Law is Jim Crow on steroids. You have yet to defend it. Why is that counselor? Defend away. The floor is yours.
  8. So let’s assume, for argument’s sake, you (and others) are not only equating the GA voter law to Jim Crow, but Jim Crow on steroids because it will; lengthen wait times, make if more difficult to vote and deny those in line tasty beverages. If these things are true (which they are not but let’s assume they were) this would be equatable to Jim Crow if these things were being applied to black people and black people only, which they would not be. I suggest you a) read up in Jim Crow and b) take the L and go home.
  9. You would think a good lawyer would be very much in favor of someone doing their research by interviewig and getting a statement from a person who is intimately involved in the discussion at hand. That is the best way to make sure your information is reliable. Wouldn’t you agree counselor? I guess my first mistake was assuming you were a good lawyer? 🤷🏻‍♂️ So let’s try this again. What makes the Georgia Bill Jim Crow on steroids?
  10. Sorry. Your PPP GPS is on back order. I’ll get it to you as soon as I can.
  11. What was your answer? And it’s answered not answer FYI. 🙄
  12. Oh no!!! Incriminating information!! 😱 Our defense has nothing to do with pretzels unless you mean our response to your incessant noise is…
  13. Gee this is cool. Allegedly, possibly, reportedly, appears. Lots of real definitive words in those articles. We’ve been here before Billy and there has been zero actual proof. They’ve had over 4 years to provide actual proof and so far…..nothing. And to your last point. Whe role did Republicans play in it.
  14. This is due to seven straight days of more than 1,000 new cases. New cases not hospitalizations. There are 10,000,000 people in LA county. 😏
  15. Awwww cute. 🙄 I had to tap my HELOC to fill my vehicle yesterday.
  16. How did he screw our nation and what did Republicans have to do with it? Just asking you to explain your stupid meme.
  17. I have read that this is inflation just playing catch up with years of low inflation. Umm sure. That's not how it works.
  18. LA County is back with mandatory masks indoors for everyone vaccination or not. So does this mean the vaccination is useless or do they have no ***** clue what they are doing? This just give me more of a reason to stay out of LA. This better not make it's way to OC.
  19. My forgetfulness is more of a reflection of you than me. You're point was likely very poor. So.....what makes the Georgia Bill Jim Crow on steroids? I would love for you to say that to someone that actually suffered through Jim Crow. EDIT: So all I've seen from you is that extending wait times is what make this Bill Jim Crow on steroids. Is that what you're going with counselor? If it weren't a huge slap in the fact to those that actually suffered through Jim Crow it would be hilarious.
  20. Make it in during the winter. Chile doesn't really work at 120 Funny we were at our place over the Fourth. The pool was 98 degrees!! We were there in the spring and our neighbor put in a pool. He added a chiller. I rolled my eyes. Yeah whatever Mr Moneybags. Well now I'm thinking of getting one.
  21. Life is full of risks. Especially when you're a time traveler. BTW if you want the Lotto numbers let me know. My fee is 10%.
  22. Not that old. Time traveler. Sorry guys. The Bills never win the SB. But the Sabres do win the cup. After moving to Mexico City though.
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