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Chef Jim

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Everything posted by Chef Jim

  1. Endless references by Trump led to the unfortunate event at the Capital? Please tie the two together. Oh and I carry no one's water. I think for myself.
  2. So based on @BillStime definition when fans riot after their team wins the championship they are wanting to overthrow the city? 🤔
  3. It's not the public school system to teach what is good or bad. It's there job to teach and allow the student to come to their own conclusions. You know.....critical thinking. And by it's name alone CRT should not determine if it's bad or good. Just what it is and let the student of the theory determine for themselves. Hence the word Critical.
  4. I prefer bashing the weenies heads in. To each his own I guess.
  5. How can she be a statistical anomaly regarding something we've not seen before?
  6. Dictators (wannabe or otherwise) don't leave office upon losing an election.
  7. Come on out (California)! The weather is fantastic.
  8. Why not? I would like to hear your thoughts as to how vaccines work so I can decide if not getting a vaccine is a bad idea or not.
  9. I know I was just commenting that I've considered people getting a non-FDA approved vaccine as stupid from the beginning.
  10. To me, the stupidest part was what she said was BEFORE she said "let them die".
  11. The fact that all these changes affect all citizens regardless of color means it's nothing like Jim Crow. You continue on, Joe and @SectionC3, calling this Jim Crow on steroids. It make you historically illiterate at the most and disingenuous dipshits at the least. I'm thinking a little (or a lot) of both.
  12. Now? Again I think it's quite interesting that every pill, shot, ingested prescription medication advertisement is predominately about the potential side effects but these vaccinations? Not so much. Just line up like a good sheep and eat your veggies and we'll let you have your dessert.
  13. So everyone who "stormed" the capital was a traitor??
  14. Seriously? We always move on? We still have people saying Russian interference is how Trump won 2016.
  15. Who are you referring to when you say “these traitors”?
  16. Stupid meme of the day award and it’s not even 6am.
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