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Chef Jim

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Everything posted by Chef Jim

  1. Your dodge is a) very telling and b) boring. I have my answer. Later counselor.
  2. Most of your posts are not very memorable so I trust you, and others, would give me a pass for forgetting. However, it must have been a real doozy if you're too (speaking of the animal) chicken to remind us all of your reasoning. If it was that good wouldn't you have posted it here again? Take the L.
  3. He doesn't think at all. He posts what others think.
  4. Why would that change my mind? Deaths are deaths. But the best response to your question is "if my aunt had balls she'd be my uncle."
  5. 1/6/2021 - The world's shortest coup attempt. "Busses are ready folks!! Gotta go!" "Awwww man...we just got the gallows set up." "Come on or we're leavin' without ya!" "Ooooookay. Well we tried to take over the government." A very good point in bold.
  6. Who are those not getting vaccinated affecting? Well I know the answer and it's those that cannot be vaccinated due to age or medical conditions. Couldn't it be more on them to protect themselves than "forcing" something on everyone that has not gone through proper clinical trials or has FDA approval? My body my decision shouldn't be applied arbitrarily. I think anti "Vaders" (I mean is anyone Pro-Vader??) are giving us great buying opportunities. You should be thanking them.
  7. A chicken understands how to lay and egg so they have that in common with you. You've laid a big one calling the Georgia Jim Crow on steroids. You can't even point how what makes it Jim Crow on steroids can you. Take the L counselor.
  8. Define insurrectionist rioters of that day. Everyone that entered the Capital?
  9. And has it been applied to give it the moniker Jim Crow on steroids? Talk about a Hoax. Take the L counselor.
  10. How am I failing? We have two groups. One spent a couple hours in a government building and you scream seditionists. Another group takes over government buildings, sets some afire and your response is “I’m failing”? You have a very warped sense of failure.
  11. Pretty much the same thing the Summer of Love rioters were fighting for/about.
  12. Holy *****!! Dude’s got a flag!!! Throw his ass in jail!!! So at some point destruction has to happen? No not that destruction. THAT destruction.
  13. I know. It was a joke on the election conspiracists. For not liking being treated like a child. Thanks.
  14. If over half the country is not vaccinated and they are all Trump voters how did Trump lose the election. 🤔
  15. Ha! Now isn’t this sweet. Billy Boy lecturing on lack of brining news content. That was actually new content from me. Not an angle if used before. So let’s try it again. Hands on buzzers. What do you call it when a group of people take over a Government building?
  16. Never said CRT is meant to fix that. CRT is not what they will likely be teaching.
  17. Whoa. Here’s a tissue Billy boy. Didn’t mean to upset you. 😥😥😥 He could stop treating us like children. You tell me I can’t have dessert until I eat my veggies I’m not eating my veggies but still having a big ole scoop of ice cream. He could also have a little empathy and stop treating us like the enemy. And what is this anti vax propaganda? I’ve not seen or heard it.
  18. Why did the summer of love rioters go home after a couple hours like the Capital rioters did? Oh that’s right. They didn’t. They came for the riot and stayed for the looting and anarchy.
  19. So when things did not go how you’d like last year it was Tump’s fault. And now? How about Biden? Does the current administration have an culpability in this??
  20. If they were intent on overthrowing the government why did they leave? Ya still goin' with the buses were leaving line?
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