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Chef Jim

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Everything posted by Chef Jim

  1. Of course she's not. She was not chosen for her abilities. She was chosen because of her racial background and the genitalia between her legs. Always great qualities to screen for when hiring for a very important job. Could you imagine if Trump came out and said "I'm choosing Mike Pence as my running mate because he's a white male"?
  2. I think so. Some very wise person told us this yesterday.
  3. Asking you to clarify your position as to why the GA Bill is Jim Crow on steroids is incomprehensible gibberish? Real men admit when they are wrong. Later Troll........
  4. So we're taking our cues from the daily skittish Wall Street's investors and algorithms?
  5. We’re seasoned veterans of the great flu of 2020. We survived the peak of winter or 20-21. We don’t need no stinking vaccine for this blip.
  6. A guy who rose to fame on a reality TV show treating his Presidental campaign as a reality TV show? Who would have thought……
  7. Motiving people by insulting them. Great management/leadership technique. 🙄 Did y’all learn nothing from the whole deplorable thing?
  8. No one has been able to do a good job of pinning the Delta surge on the non-vaxxed?
  9. I see. So asking you to clarify your position is immature but you playing petulant little child and refusing is acting like an adult? What color is the sky in your world counselor?
  10. Because we won't get any pudding. How can we have any pudding if we don't get our shot?
  11. How many people have been hospitalized and died from the Delta variant?
  12. And that's what I think is ***** hilarious. Q4 2020 you're a fool for even thinking of taking "Donald Trump's Vaccine" and now Q3 2021 your a fool for NOT taking "Joe Biden's Vaccine." The tool shed is getting full.
  13. So wait. Aren't dead conservatives a good thing? BTW good job in keeping your immature/dumb meme streak alive. Bravo Billy
  14. I thought masks protect kids. And there was no "mask type" prevention for polio. There were also extensive clinical trials on the polio vaccine. And smallpox vaccines were worked on starting in the late 19th century. How long did they work on the Covid vaccine before rolling it out? So good job comparing apples to monkey wrenches.
  15. He said “Please pass the buns but I’m hesitant on twenty more.”
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