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Chef Jim

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Everything posted by Chef Jim

  1. Reminds me of some of the mosh pits I’ve been in over the years.
  2. Ooooh I’m in second place. What does that have to with anything other than you’re an immature tool? The safe space club? Nope, don’t post there. Assumptions make you look stupid. Carry on child……..
  3. So do they need to have done all of the above to be considered an insurrectionists?
  4. I’ll tell all the other old guys at the gym. You might want to occasionally get off your lard ass.
  5. And how would you plan on using this so called "vaccine passport"?
  6. So you agree that it's the schools job to teach what is and what is not moral?
  7. Please point out where in TX SB3 does it state any of the things you say. Ahh yes. Another Bill Billy Bill Bill has not read folks. At least he's a consistent stooge.
  8. Yes I love it here. It allows me to bump you so people can see your level of maturity. Carry on child............
  9. Oh but it is about making excuses. "The reason for my lack of success today is due the the treatment of my ancestors is in the past." There is some truth to that but it should become less and less over time however the excuses seem to be not diminishing.
  10. So if they are spreading to each other what's the concern?
  11. So you're going to force people to get the flu shot every year too? Slippery slope my friend. Slippery slope.
  12. How things have changed. When I was younger getting hammered was a good thing.
  13. And my point has also been to what extent the remnants of any discrimination are still having effects today. In my mind there likely are some lingering effects but they are not holding blacks back to the extent many think they are. People need to do a much better job of looking inward to their own culpability in issues such as this.
  14. I guess my "absurd racist comment" when over your and John Adam's heads. Sorry you didn't get my point. Funny how you don't call out JA for his ageist comments. Carry on.....
  15. So I've been looking at CRT from the wrong angle I guess. The theory is that whites have considered themselves superior to all other races not just blacks? Ok then it is a valid point.
  16. That has been my contention all along. I'll have to rethink my position now.
  17. My admitted racism. Please go on........... Let me ask you. Does ageism exits?
  18. Absolutely it is. CRT says that there has been systemic racism in our cultural, social and legal systems that has held blacks back. The fact that the Asian experience has been different with regard to these systems it does not invalidate CRT at all. It's an apples/oranges comparison.
  19. That's all you got @716er I think it's very safe to say it's more difficult for someone of a certain age to get a job in this country than someone of a certain skin color. The term "Put our to pasture" is real and continues to this day.
  20. I'm not so sure. Can we truly compare the historical paths of Asians and African Americans in this country?
  21. And racism is worse that ageism in what way?
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