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Chef Jim

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Everything posted by Chef Jim

  1. Oh so you backing away from your assertion that Trump had nothing to do with your Pfizer shot? Why is that.
  2. Oh yeah. Pfizer is some real good Trump Warp Speed Juice. You got Trump all in ya now baby.
  3. You may want to rethink that Billy Boy. You got some good ole Trump Juice in ya!! Bwahahahahaha!!
  4. Why I like it "down the road" in Indio. Pro Trump down there.
  5. One idiot does not a system make. But you knew that.
  6. It's like a number of years ago when people went to Sacramento to fight for same sex marriage. I told them they were going to the wrong capital.
  7. So wait.......why are you all begging people to get vaccinated if you don't trust Donald Trump? I contribute nothing? Got any more immature memes to contribute. And your question has ZERO to do with SARS-CoV-2/COVID-19 and has everything to do with me. Carry on tool...............
  8. It's not germane to the topic at hand. Therefore it's not a simple question.
  9. I'm confused. How does one fight for something that already exists??
  10. Whatever junior. Carry on child...............
  11. Neither do I but I know a little German. He’s right here. 👇🏻 "I trust vaccines but I don't trust Donald Trump" https://www.reuters.com/article/us-usa-election-biden/democrat-biden-warns-against-rushing-out-coronavirus-vaccine-says-trump-cannot-be-trusted-idUSKBN2671NW
  12. And a 99% chance you'll live to tell about it if you get it.
  13. I'm pretty sure Biden said something of the sort too last fall?
  14. What questions would you ask? Ahhhh the never say die Bill's fan. It wasn't.
  15. Medical propaganda. How many people has she seen die since the vaccine has become available? How many have "begged" for the vaccine before being intubated? And calling people who have not gotten the vaccine dumb or stupid or idiots is a sure fire way to motivate them to get the shot.
  16. And you'll see I used the word assumed. And if you knew anything about food you'd know a club sandwich is made with a bread toasted to a healthy tanned brown. Check...........
  17. Well this aged well. And again. You're welcome.
  18. No seriously. If you're fully vaccinated what's the concern regarding those that are not? Just mask up and social distance and you're good right?
  19. But all the other requirements stand? BTW who were pooping on police cars during the Occupy Wall Street fun zone? i don't think they were Trumpian.
  20. Wait...you're the one that ass....umed I posted at the other place and you pwn me?? Carry on child.............
  21. So now Tom’s cool? The best part was Tom asking Biden if he got the joke. 😂
  22. And you all of a sudden backing them now isn’t hypocritical?
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