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Chef Jim

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Everything posted by Chef Jim

  1. I like Larry. I listened to him years ago but it’s been a long time since I listened to him. Probably since the Obama Administration. I have no idea if he’s changed at all so not sure I’d vote for him. I’d really have to do my research. I’m REALLY leaning towards Caitlyn Jenner. I like what she’s had to say but more importantly a trans conservative? Just to watch the left’s heads blow…..again. 😁
  2. I don’t know. I don’t have many pals in politics. At least not at this level. But you never know. Give me some names and I’ll let you know if we’re pals.
  3. No they are who YOU think are my crowy pals. See that was your term not mine. Check and check-mate. Carry on troll.
  4. I don’t know who they are. You brought them up. Are you drunk….because you seem drunk.
  5. The question wasn’t about who it was about how. I’ll give you one more try. How are they trying to take away the right to vote.
  6. Awesome. Explain how they are trying to take away right to vote. I’ll give you one shot.
  7. Oh look who’s here. Sticking up for little Billy. So cute.
  8. Unless it’s covered by insurance I question it’s potential for monetary gain. Though it appears to be an epidemic most sufferers have little money.
  9. Aw man that was uncalled for. Funny, but uncalled for.
  10. Wow! Brilliant! Didn’t see that one coming. Actually I had typed that but deleted it. 😂
  11. Ha! We’re done here. I’m losing IQ points “sparing” with you.
  12. How did I lose? I quoted you directly that showed all that you were wrong. You’re ***** psychotic. Hey @Doc or @Doc Brown! You guys got a head doc to refer him to?
  13. 89 to be exact. Familiar? Ummm yeah. It’s been around a while. Why do you ask?
  14. Sorry I didn’t see the question. Your, per usual, dumb meme got in the way. The quote? From me. Why do you ask? Tired of getting your ass handed to you?
  15. WTF is wrong with you. 🥺 You’re correct. Point out where I’ve been wrong and did not admit it.
  16. Classic example of “when you lose an argument you resort to non-sequitur insults” Sad Billy sad.
  17. Ok kid. BTW how old is JA in your avatar?
  18. Yeah he did. $1.9b worth. And you want me to suck up the loss. 😂😂😂
  19. Move the goalposts much? Your original comment had nothing to do with research and development and said that Trump had nothing to do with your shot. Why do you think the amount of money the US government paid for the doses was almost exactly the amount of money that Pfizer spent on the research and development? You have no clue how pharmaceuticals work do you?
  20. Take the L? No that would be you Billy boy. You were completely wrong when you said Trump had nothing to do with the shot you got when in fact it was warp speed that bought your shot and reimbursed Pfizer for their R&D Thanks for the advice but I don’t need any advice. Especially from our toolshed resident.
  21. So that $1.9b sent by the US Government to Pfizer had nothing to do with the shot you got? Did they use it for staff lunches? Ummm Billy Boy. If the Trump Administration had not, as you said, BOUGHT the doses how would they have gotten in you? So yeah Trump had something to do with the Pfizer vaccine getting to you. Enjoy the Trump juice coursing through your veins.
  22. Yeah they did. Sorry to break it to you. Trump running through your veins. WooHoo!! https://investors.pfizer.com/investor-news/press-release-details/2020/Pfizer-and-BioNTech-Announce-an-Agreement-with-U.S.-Government-for-up-to-600-Million-Doses-of-mRNA-based-Vaccine-Candidate-Against-SARS-CoV-2/default.aspx
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