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Chef Jim

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Everything posted by Chef Jim

  1. They stopped cutting lumber because…ahhh…because….errr… their unemployment…uhhh…anyway how ‘bout them Dodgers?? No Joe. What about them not cutting lumber and unemployment? Where were you going with that??
  2. I’m not sure of your first point. The vaccine is not a repellent. They just have the immunity to keep themselves from getting sick. From what I’ve read there seems to be mixed ideas as to the chances of a vaccinated person passing it in to a non-vaccinated person.
  3. No that’s my point. The folks pointing to the unvaccinated and saying “you can pass it on to the unvaccinated!!” Well so can you. Regarding Trump splitting the vote? You are correct. That would hand it to the dems. But we have to do something to break up these two ***** parties that have a stranglehold on us.
  4. But my question is not the chances of an unvaccinated person getting COVID. I’m talking about the chances of an vaccinated person passing it on to an unvaccinated person. And regarding Trump yes he was popular and he was a Republican. But if he ran under a third party he would be just as popular.
  5. So your raison d’etre is to insult people? Pretty pathetic troll.
  6. Question. We have had hundreds of thousands of people attending sporting events, concerts, theme parks, airports, shopping malls and restaurants. All of which were essentially ghost towns just 12 months ago. And we have a small increase in a variant. That’s with nearly 50% of the population unvaccinated. Whatcha all scared about? BOO!!!!
  7. I hate to break it to you but there are a ***** ton of Trump supporters who loath Republicans. One of the reasons why I supported him. Did you mean if you’re unvaccinated? Yes the chances are reduced but I’m not sure if it’s to 10%. Regardless there is still that chance so those that cannot be vaccinated should take precautions if they fear the the virus?
  8. So what you’re saying is the fully vaccinated cannot pass on the virus to the unvaccinated?
  9. We all can “catch” Covid and pass it on vaccinated or not. So aren’t the vaccinated just as likely to pass it on to others? All our clocks are ticking. But you knew that.
  10. Then why are you here? Oh yeah….. Carry on Troll.
  11. Why call out Trump supporters? What about those non-Trump supporters who don’t want the vaccine? So those fully vaccinated people cannot pass COVID on to the non-vaccinated? If I die I promise it won’t be a public affair.
  12. I'm using quotes because I'm quoting you counselor. So at what point did Trump tell the folks at the rally to, in your words, "Storm the Capitol"? At what point did he tell them to go to the steps of the Capitol? At what point did he tell them to enter the Capitol? As a matter of fact he only used the word Capitol twice in the speech neither of which had anything to do with the folks at the rally going there. Have you won one match from me? How about the best of 9? You move from one trolling expedition to another with me because you lose them all. Oh so now your an online psychologist? No problem counselor. Just getting a kick out of watching you jump from topic to topic like the good troll you are.
  13. Sorry Capitol. At what point did Trump tell people to "Storm the Capitol"? Based on your quotes from his speech he told them to march down the street. Check and mate. Oh we see a problem all right and it has nothing to do with America, the riots or people's democratic right to vote.
  14. Who said that? I'm just trying to figure out at what point he told them to "Storm The Capital"
  15. All joking aside about my "love" for the Spandex Mafia I think I did mention a earlier this year that the Exec VP and co-founder of the company I've worked for the past 20 was killed in a bike accident last December. This was not just some VP way up the chain but as a VP myself (yeah we hand them out like candy) he was a good friend who I interacted with regularly. He was not wearing a helmet for whatever reason. He was a big guy 6'7" probably 300lbs. Once he went over the handlebars I assume momentum took over. Now good friend or not spandex dude get's in my way when I'm driving.........sorry sorry. RIP big guy.
  16. What's there to feel good about? The biker survived and the gator's still hungry.
  17. They were encouraged to storm the Capital? When and how were they encouraged to "storm the Capital"?
  18. I think it's safe to say that a good portion of the people not vaccinated have made that choice not due to mistrust of the government but due to concern for the safety of the vaccine. So let's say all that can get vaccinated do so. Are those that cannot get vaccinated free from getting the virus?
  19. Once it receives FDA approval I think you'll see a lot more people get vaccinated. Until then............. In the meantime thanks for the advice..................
  20. If your family (or anyone for that matter) that are unable to be vaccinated are worried they can mask up if they are concerned. There are millions of Americans who are not vaccinated. That's a lot of people to be paranoid of. So you'd like people to die in a gutter because they've make the personal choice (it's still a choice my friend). That says a hell of a lot more about you than it does about those who have make that very personal choice. There are ways to protect yourself from those who have made this very personal decision.
  21. The they are the people that you and @BillStime are afraid are taking away people's right to vote. So the they, from my perspective, is inconsequential. See you know that but the troll that you are makes it important. Anyway if you and @BillStime are so terribly worried about people losing a fundamental right in this country why are you here? Should you be on your way to GA, TX and elsewhere to fight this horrible denying of peoples' right to vote? So either the right to vote isn't important to you or you're a troll? Which is it counselor? Check and mate again.
  22. I can’t answer that counselor. Define crowy. Check and mate. You know you really suck at this.
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