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Chef Jim

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Everything posted by Chef Jim

  1. No there were likely people that just went in out of curiosity. You stop paining with a broad brush. Where you there that day?
  2. So those that just went in out of curiosity, caused no disruption are, in your mind, traitors?
  3. The last people in the world that should be investigating anything to get to the truth are politicians. Those that think otherwise have been incredibly duped. They like their little tools all lined up in their toolsheds.
  4. Interesting how Nancy and Gang were all about the 25th Amendment not long ago have clammed up. What comes around goes around.
  5. Only Billy Boy would turn a conversation on Dr Fauci into a whine about gun control.
  6. So he lied when he said windmills cause cancer? So he lied when he said climate change is a fraud?
  7. Uh oh......better bring out the National Guard to protect the Capitol. He used the fight word again.
  8. I saw an ad this week against the recall. It essentially called Republicans and those backing the recall #######s. Great way to win friends and get people on your side. Did anyone learn anything from Hillary and her deplorables comment??
  9. Hmmmm. I would say the current administration is failing miserably at rolling out the vaccines. They need to work on their leadership and motivational skills. It’s not like it’s a sugar pill or anything. It’s a vaccine that will save you from imminent DEATH. How hard can it be to motivate people?
  10. The fact that whoever wrote this doesn’t know the difference between gross sales, revenue and profit is very telling.
  11. Thanks. I was wondering. All I came up with was Some White Brats Are Terrible. 🤷🏻‍♂️
  12. No it’s a man crush. It’s part cute part creepy. Carry on crush boy…..
  13. You give yourself way too much credit counselor. Besides your words were "Storm the Capitol". Literalists.
  14. They should have just gone with The Clevelands. This could have been their logo: What???
  15. You talk as if major mental decline happens with all people as they age. It's almost as if you're saying "it's not Joes' fault. It happens to EVERYONE his age!" Well you know as well as I it doesn't and not everyone "his age" is running the most powerful country in the world. My mom who will be 96 next week is sharp as a tack. My aunt who died this week at 100 was also very healthy mentally. Look at people like Warren Buffett and his partner Charlie Munger. My wife worked at Munger's law firm in LA when he was in his 80's. She said the highlight of her time there were the days Charlie came in to the office. It gave her "something to aspire to." And please....stop with the stuttering issue. These "episodes" have pretty much nothing to do with his stuttering.
  16. Abuse? Nah.....I think you have a crush on me. It's cute but sorry JA. I prefer women.
  17. Based on what’s been going on the past 18 or so months you probably can add the CDC to that list.
  18. Of course. Why not. It’s all racist man.
  19. I didn’t read all that but Asians are some of the most bigoted people. I guess you can’t be racists to people of the same race. Look what Japan did in China pre WWII. I have a friend who is Japanese. The best way to piss her off is call her Korean. We hired a Korean woman and they immediately hated each other.
  20. Too bad government typically uses the stick vs the carrot. How about instead of throwing money at people to not work how about giving a tax credit or something to those vaccinated.
  21. Yes it’s our fault Trump lives in his head. 😂😂😂😂
  22. Cognitive challenges sometimes come on slowly sometimes quickly. Almost every Trump fan agrees he could be a numbskull at times. Can you at least admit the Joe has some cognitive challenges?
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