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Chef Jim

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Everything posted by Chef Jim

  1. You are aware that a lot of science never makes it past they hypothesis stage right.
  2. And therein lies the problem. “We disagree” all of a sudden becomes “misinformation”. That is a very powerful “tool” they can wield.
  3. You have said you know nothing about CRT and thank you for confirming you still don’t. Bravo!
  4. One person’s hating science is another’s loving liberty. Which one makes the most sense here?
  5. Well I’m not sure he’s deranged or worthy of his name beind used to define a syndrome. But we get what you’re saying.
  6. Hate to break it to you but people are dying in every state. Oh that Pro-Liberty DeSantis. What a scumball.
  7. Regarding the couple from Ghana. Why did they not just go the normal channels of immigrating to the US? Their route makes no sense whatsoever. Why do this illegally and live in fear of deportation?
  8. We were rarely taught that eating with our hands was poor manners. What we were taught was to ask "May I eat off the bone?" when we had pork or lamb chops for dinner. In our "lily-white" household manners at the table meant "Please" "Thank you" and "May i be excused" These two articles above are perfect examples of the fact that people have lost their *****.
  9. No explain it. You went through the trouble to highlight it for all to see. It’s on you to explain why you highlighted it.
  10. That would be the thing that would motivate EVERYONE! You get hospitalized without insurance you’re screwed.
  11. Please point to the inconsistencies in the parts you highlighted.
  12. Wait?? MY reading comprehension is lacking?? I want you to go back and read what YOU highlighted in red. Read it real slowly. You may have to read it a few times to understand how bad YOUR reading comprehension is. 🤦🏻‍♂️ Yeah he google images. Why do you bother if you will dismiss anything people say? Open you tiny mind someday Billy Boy.
  13. Excuse me?? If you have been paying attention to my posts (and if you have not that's cool) the death count is the ONLY number that matters to me. So you're either wrong about what matters to "Trumpers" or I'm not one.
  14. Oh come on B-Man you know that's not how Kabuki Theater works.
  15. Yup allowing people to make their own decisions is so Un-American.
  16. I have to take is word that he was there. Seeing he POSTED PICTURES!! What indisputable evidence are you referring to?
  17. I really have no idea what Q-ade is. I'm a person who thinks for himself and comes up with his own conclusions. However when you say FL is not safe and people need to pack up and move? Now that's hysterical! It's all going to be OK Greta. That wasn't his question.
  18. Hysterical post of the day right there folks. When I read this all I could hear was this voice: Cases mean very little to me. What is the rate of hospitalizations and deaths? If we worry about people getting sick we’re all going to become germaphobes.
  19. So wait you’re listening to someone who was actually there vs the “we saw something on TV” crowd? His story is not the only thing that’s evolving.
  20. How would compare his cognitive capabilities to those of Joe Biden’s?
  21. So wait. We’re freaking out over 18 cases per 100,000??
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