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Chef Jim

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Everything posted by Chef Jim

  1. And they likely thanked the US for paying a majority of their R&D. Ain’t my fault you don’t know how big pharma works. Check and Mate. Bye.
  2. Thanks for the advice but I don’t need any…..wait…..yes I do. 🥺 Thanks for the advice but I don’t need any advice. Especially seeing the old digs T&C as we knew it no longer exists. 😩
  3. It does not. Our conversation was about you and your saying the Trump Administration had nothing to do with you (Pfizer) shot and only about your shot. Nothing more. You were wrong so we are done here. Thanks for playin’!
  4. Not part of our debate. You appear to have capitulated in our original debate that the Trump administration had nothing to do with your shot. Check and mate remember?
  5. We all have insurance. Remember it’s a requirement. Good Lord.
  6. Don’t know. They were not part of our debate were they?
  7. I have a good friend who works in ER in Alabama. I asked her about this. She said they are busy yes. But not with Covid cases.
  8. There no POC I’ll chime in. Let it do it’s thing.
  9. You do? No in your brains you feel you do. This is the main reason I love him. He speaks and liberals lose their *****. It’s a beautiful sight.
  10. Not sure. Golf is fun! Glad to see you came to your senses and figured out how big pharma makes money and realized that the $1.9b the Trump administration paid to Pfizer was part of the R&D
  11. Ha!! So we talk about the sitting President??? Say it ain’t so!! Good Lord.
  12. Thanks for the “advice” but I don’t need any “advice”. All my affairs are in order.
  13. Even Trump?? Man he’s deep in your guys’ brains ain’t he.
  14. Well if I did get any advice……..
  15. Speak to my lawyer. Oh wait….you are my lawyer.
  16. No, no it’s not. Not even close. Please explain how you have come to this conclusion.
  17. A very good childhood friend of mine played in a band that opened for them. I’ve never hated and loved a guy more at the same time. 😂😂😂
  18. …..I’m hopping on a plane back to WNY.
  19. When you’re getting such discrepancies in the outcomes of a non discriminatory pandemic you begin to question all the data.
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