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Chef Jim

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Everything posted by Chef Jim

  1. Assume much? It's not very becoming. You've gone to an awful lot of trouble responding to spam.
  2. Whiskey Music event had 64 cases of Covid? Big whoop. Probably 10 times more cases of Syphilis.
  3. Yeah!! Eff those people and their damn personal choices!! Who doesn't have access to voting or the vaccine?
  4. Excuses? I'm just telling you why many unvaccinated have not taken the shot. Making no excuses. Not sure why you attributed Big Turk's quote to me.
  5. You came back to post this? Sorry...what was I thinking. Of course you did. Carry on..........
  6. So all I took from this post was that the Nationals stole Walgreen's logo.
  7. Very simple. FDA Approval or lack thereof. You're trying to save the unvaccinated? How nice of you. And if you're afraid the non-vaccinated just protect yourself. What are you afraid of? You're vaccinated right?
  8. I have spoken with a lot of people here in California and many in NY when I was there. None said they were putting their masks back on.
  9. Good for them! What’s your/Biden and LP’s point?
  10. A vast majority of Americans do not go through medical underwriting for health insurance.
  11. The Tip is the only bar I never was in. 🥺
  12. There were two three by the track. The fact you got The Tip is good.
  13. The T&C/Blue Dog/Whatever It’s Called Now Meaning if it’s a bar there I will be there. BTW I was counting the bars there back in the day (70’s) including my dad’s I came up with 9. Can you name them?
  14. I’m not surprised you applaud a horrible lack of professionalism and I high level of immaturity. Good Lord.
  15. Thanks for the advice but I don’t need any advice. It’s a bar in Attica right? Thanks for the advice but I done need any advice. I quickly learned….hic…as long as you’re in the….hic…..airport bar you don’t need a….hic…face mask.
  16. Ha! This will shut you up and if it doesn’t you’re clueless Ready? No really are you ready? Ok good. Here goes…… 3 2 1 How much did you, and your insurance, pay for your shot?
  17. It’s a different kind of flying…. Thanks for the “advice” Ted but I don’t need any advice. It’s actually not different at all.
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