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Chef Jim

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Everything posted by Chef Jim

  1. I can't think of a better compliment than calling a politician a "different kind of guy".
  2. It's because the whole racism thing used to play so well. The key words there are "used to". People (even on the left) are getting tired of it which is a shame. Because it does exist and they've cried racism so much people will begin to ignore actual racism. Not one person, here, in the media or politician has been able to explain what is racist about any of these voter bills. Tell me they did this to keep more registered Democrats from voting I may tend to agree because Republicans are scum bags too. They are all cut from the same cloth. But don't tell me they did it to keep blacks from voting. Jim Crow on steroids my ass.
  3. She also could have likely collected on his life insurance if he had any. You share a guy committing suicide on a public message board and because I have an issue with it I'm a snowflake? I have actually been fascinated with suicide for years and have seen that an many others but have kept it to myself.
  4. It is not the first time I've seen it and why should every political newbie know what happened? Is that why you felt it necessary to share a snuff video? Seriously? You came across as posting it as a joke. It's far from a joke.
  5. And how are they inventoried at the Pharmacy? They should have a barcode on them that is scanned when they are issued. Inventoried before and after each shift. Also there should be some sort of official stamp that is added when they are given out with a unique barcode for the particular place of issuance. The government is really clueless when it comes to this stuff. You mandate them the black market for them will be HUGE!
  6. All I did was call you out in this nonsense. Hell I didn’t even hit the Republican part. B-Mans post did not even specify who he was talking about. So I was, in my own way, catching you talking out your butt. Check and mate. That was easy. Three moves.
  7. Huh. Notice the letter missing at the end of protestor in my post? Check.
  8. Dude it’s risotto and not A risotto. I make the best risotto you have likely every eat. So thanks for the wiki page. 🙄 Deflecting? I can’t answer your question. I’d have to care enough about it to look at all the laws they’ve been charged with breaking.
  9. You follow some real ignorant dumbasses on the Twitbot don’t you?
  10. I make decent money and a week in DC would be more than I want to spend.
  11. That was my thought. And why are these cards NOT digital?
  12. Wait they're still in DC. Who's paying for all this?
  13. Which one is him? No need to respond. You don't know. Think and not assume before you type next time ok.
  14. We can ship/feed/house thousands of military personnel to some god forsaken shitholes of the world but we can get a vaccine to farmer Bob in the boonies of Iowa? If that's the case this ones on the current resident of the Casa Blanca.
  15. I know what you're trying to convey with your math. It's not your math it's the assumptions behind your math.
  16. No Gabby. We have no idea who B-Man's post was referring to do we? Hence my "assume much?" comment. Even if we did until he's convicted he is assumed innocent. That still applies here correct??
  17. Sorry Gabby Johnson but that is one hell of a bunch of assumptive gibberish.
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