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Chef Jim

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Everything posted by Chef Jim

  1. See here’s the difference. The Bills of the SB era were a team. Maybe the best all around team ever to not win a SB. You want me to watch the Bills today because of one guy. Nah.
  2. 14? Nah….it won’t take that many.
  3. So Biden’s pathetic Tweet is Trumps fault? 😂😂😂
  4. I have a lot of good ideas. None include gutting the border security.
  5. Yup a 17 second cruise is a day on the job to the old man.
  6. In the middle of a pandemic and Biden is talking about gutting the border budget. 🤦🏻‍♂️
  7. Cute. Good to see you stuck your childish bull#### in our conversation. 🙄
  8. Evict her on what grounds? “Get the vaccine sis or I evict you?” I did. I wanted clarification.
  9. And that’s the beauty of this country. States Rights. If it sucks don’t ever go. Posting stupid memes about it? 🙄 And stupider memes.
  10. 12 minutes. Football? Boring as hell. I absolutely love my Sunday’s free. I was in my early 30’s during the Kelly era. This is nothing compared to that. I’ve had my fill thank you.
  11. The people that are freaking out are mostly vaccinated. Why? Why should they care?
  12. Sit down and really pay attention to what you’re watching. 12 minutes of action. The rest is the QB trying to read the plays on his wrist. A bunch of guys wandering around. A coach covering his face with his clipboard. Some dude flossing on the bench. Yadda yadda yadda. All while two guys telling you what you just saw and what’s about to happen when you already know. Like “draw play”. Right @BringBackFergy ? So why is everyone freaking out when it’s essentially only those who have made a personal choice that are getting sick.
  13. Ok. 🙄 We had a birthday party for my mom when I was back this past week. She got an autographed ball from Allen. She’s 96. Calls him the kid. I have better things to do on Sunday. But good for her and y’all.
  14. But no one talks about how many people are actually dying. A year ago it was all about deaths.
  15. But it's temporary. Fool me once shame on you. Fool me 17 times...........? Why I dumped the Bills.
  16. Awwww wonderful. How adorable. You watch Little Women?
  17. Protected the Capitol like the Bills O line in years past. Olé Don’t ask which years. 😏
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