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Chef Jim

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Everything posted by Chef Jim

  1. When he (or anyone else) does this it’s projecting. What is it exactly when you do it? Constantly BTW
  2. I had to google that. Behing oblivious to sports is a wonderful thing.
  3. What voting rights are being taken away that the children are fighting for? We’ve been waiting months for you and others to articulate who is losing voting rights. Why have you not been able to do that? That’s right. You are all hysteria and zero substance.
  4. That’s sweet and all but this time it’s directed at the TX Dems. What are your thoughts about the topic? No because there isn’t one being voted on. And if it’s true suppression then it’s safe to say the SCOTUS will chime in at some point correct?
  5. Hip hip hooray!! Why not call the family and give them a good ole….
  6. And you can keep it in your back pocket….hell on you computer monitor Chef Jim said he couldn’t give a rats ass about the outcome of the 1/6 Inquisition (8/821) Youll likely not have to pull it out with an A HA!!! I’m not an hysterical child like you are.
  7. Dude I have zero skin in this game. I couldn’t care less. Affects my life in no way Hysterical Bill.
  8. You take the amount of money you’ve put into SS over the 40 or so years you’ve worked and invest it in a tax deferred vehicle of properly diversified and allocated equities and debt and at 67 put it into an annuity your brain will explode as to how much more guaranteed income you’ll have. SS is a ***** rip off Ponzi scheme.
  9. If you think political kabuki results in the truth you’re dumber than….oh wait. That’s impossible. My mind has a made up.
  10. 1. Crack down hard on employers hiring illegals. He even looked at his notes to “check the number”. 🤦🏻‍♂️ Hey Joe! Can you tell me how much is in my retirement accounts?
  11. I have no problem with people making money. Lots of money. Especially after they leave public service. I do however have issues with people like Pelosi and Feinstein reaping in piles of money WHILE in office. Public service was never designed to be a life long career. Why do you think so many of them continue to do it well into their 80’s? It’s easy money.
  12. The passports will start looking like CVS receipts. 🙄
  13. A few hours of riot does not a coup make. Learn words before you use them.
  14. Well good for them. Politics pays off. Good “work” if you can get it.
  15. And as viruses mutate and often require boosters what good it a passport for the original, possibly no longer effective, vaccine?
  16. You may have misses the tent? And speaking of the tent. I’ve read it was 500 people or so invited. Why have a tent to hold a few thousand? And can we get a real source of funds for the purchase of that property? 🤔
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