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Chef Jim

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Everything posted by Chef Jim

  1. And now the rest of the story. The left doesn't blame her one bit. It's because she was lied to! Well over 70,000,000 who voted Trump were lied to but only a handful decided to climb into the Capitol that day. Sorry folks. This one ain't on Donald Trump.
  2. I'm trying to find out. You seem to know the answer. If I climb the fence at the WH will I be shot?
  3. Fine, converse with me. My state put in one of the strictest measures and is still ***** up and being laughed at in amusement. Laughed at in horror. Good lord. With the hysterics again.
  4. Sorry I pointed out the incredible inconsistencies in your argument. Slow down Twit for brains. Review your post before you hit send to see if it's congruent with the rest of your argument. You make it sooooooo easy.
  5. So now it's bust a window and crawl in and see what happens? Not long ago it was climb the fence. Why does your argument change so much?
  6. You'd love that wouldn't you. So if I jump the fence and run towards the WH I'll be shot? Break a window in my private property and crawl through my window and see how far you get. Try it.
  7. Seriously? Not at all. Why do you feel it matters where the mob it? A threatening mob is a threatening mob no? So you're on record saying that deadly force is justified when confronted by a mob.
  8. Stand up to them or retreat. Were they armed? So you're good with police using deadly force when approached by a mob? I'll remember this.
  9. Yup. That's how debate works. A series of questions to either prove your or disprove your opponent's point. Prove you're not just trolling and engage in the debate. Did Ashli deserve to die? I didn't ask why she was shot. I asked did she deserve to be shot. Now thanks for answering my question. So is it now your position that the officer who shot Ashli should be on trial for murder?
  10. The one you replied to with your non-sequitur question you dolt. Did she deserve to die?
  11. I'll answer yours even though it has nothing to do with your conversation with Deek......no. Now answer mine. He has never had any desire to be taken seriously here. That's the MO of a Troll.
  12. But obviously the standard for media and political fearmongering and political control. This seems to have very little to do with the term Pandemic any longer.
  13. Because there are actually LOTS gun owners who are NOT far right wing religious nuts or who don't believe at all. Quit putting people in little boxes Twit for Brains.
  14. I’m watching How to Become a Tyrant on Netflix. I think it’s safe to say Trump didn’t watch it. He missed several steps.
  15. Vaccine passport black market baby!! Who’s with me?
  16. Yes you never want to burn a bridge because in hindsight…….
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