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Chef Jim

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Everything posted by Chef Jim

  1. Not to mention you'll get shot if you climb the WH fence.
  2. Not so faster there Doc. We have yet to hear from our resident terrorist expert @SectionC3 regarding what constitutes a terrorists that can be shot on site by police. So far we have established that breaking into the Capitol is an exterminate at all costs target. We wait his legal opinion if there are any other buildings that have a shoot on site mandate. Stay tuned............
  3. Nope. Not playing your game. Are there specific government buildings being attacked you're good with a shoot on site directive? The Capitol is obviously ok. What about municipal law enforcement buildings? Are those a green light for shoot on site?
  4. So your qualifying the definition of a terrorists now? And you are now on record is being ok with the on site execution of American citizens?
  5. Define meaningful legislation for gun violence. What would you like to see legislated to curb gun violence against children specifically?
  6. Would you have been this flippant with the on site execution of the BLM terrorists from last summer
  7. What do you like about this Bill that has prompted your victory lap. Please give details.
  8. How many would be the right number? Why were lawn darts banned?
  9. Nope. You posted the meme with the claim so it's up to you to back up your claim. How many children have died this year due to Covid.
  10. I have no idea what that taught is. All you have to tell an 18 year old is if they have dollar cost average $100 a month into a diversified fund of world class companies you will have a million dollars at retirement and chicks dig guys with money they’ll do it. The chicks part is the most important part of the equation.
  11. No but he insinuated that jumping the fence at the WH will get you shot.
  12. I took Economics. I couldn’t even balance a checkbook. Why we get married right guys.
  13. Good point. Teaches the blame game for when they have no money.
  14. This is why financial planning needs to be a requirement in high school. Not just investments…planning.
  15. Tough guy? You’re the one who says climbing the WH fence will get you shot and then telling me to go find out. Pretty hateful stuff there Billy Boy. Hate like that is not good. But it’s your life. Carry on….
  16. Graduated in 1979 Been to the 10/20/30/40 Got together with a small group of 15 last Sunday when I was in NY. Something about getting together with a group you’ve known very very well since you were 5. Some even before that.
  17. Why are you so interested in seeing me dead? You tired of getting your ass handed to you.
  18. Why don’t you and Billy Boy send a cake to her family decorated with: Ding ***** The Terrorist is Dead Hand deliver it. D**g is censored?! 😏
  19. Another ghoulish lefty celebrating illness and death.
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