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Chef Jim

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Everything posted by Chef Jim

  1. I listen. I've heard no one say they are not getting the shot due to fear of needles.
  2. Oh now it's "requests" and "seeks"? I'm old enough to remember with it was "begs for" Twit for Brains. Vaccines are working but the leadership to motivate people to get the shot is not. Good job Joe and Co.
  3. What a load of crap. You pay should be based on the expertise you have, the amount of work you do and the value you bring to the company. Where you do if from should have ZERO influence on your pay.
  4. Very few are not getting the vaccine due to fear of the needle. Highly highly unlikely. You would have heard words like Fascist, Nazi, Hitler, Dictator. There is no way in hell those on the left would agree with anything he proposed.
  5. Threatened our Democracy. Bwahahahahahahhaha!! We're done here.
  6. This is how the tiny minded operate. The fact that we are unhappy the police killed her to them means we supported the riot and and get stupid nicknames like Insurrection Jim. They make some mind boggling leaps.
  7. I disagree with the word deadly. Texting probably causes mostly rear enders where people are still wrapping around trees on booze.
  8. Now this is funny. Billy Boy (aka Twit for Brains) posted a Twit’s Tweet saying he begged for ventilators. 😂
  9. No no no Doc. Only when entering the sacred ground of the US Capitol can one be considered an insurrectionist.
  10. So you're saying they will eliminate the gas tax? Bwahahahahahahahahahahahaha!!!!! And I was busting them on you. You said your car would shut off if you were drunk. I actuality you can't start it at all. And I really don't have a problem with that. Drunk driving is a huge issue.
  11. That ***** doesn’t bother me at all. I get bloodwork done a few times a year. I love watching them jab me and the vial fill with blood. 🧛‍♀️ Hey!! 😡 Get off the feed Twit for Brains. They're lying to you. Begging.......Oy https://www.beckershospitalreview.com/supply-chain/florida-requesting-300-ventilators-amid-covid-19-spike-hhs-says.html That's some heavy duty begging right there. What a tool you are.
  12. Did he really? If he's really having cognitive issues (which by all indications he is) I feel bad for him and his family. In my business I need to report when I think a client is having cognitive challenges. I guess there is no such thing for the leader of the greatest country. Dammit.
  13. I agree....you are talking about Cuomo, right?? 😁
  14. No really that is a VERY relevant question Billy. Yesterday you said I was a pathetic waste of time however you have continued to reply to my posts. Sooooo it appears that I am NOT a pathetic waste of your time therefore you were full of ***** yesterday when you made that statement. THIS, my Twit for brains, is why I ask so many questions. To draw out the real you. Thank you for playing Check and mate!
  15. I thought I was a pathetic waste of time. Were you full of ***** then? But I guess once full of ***** always full of *****. Right Billy boy?
  16. Oh that Billy Boy hatred rears its ugly head again. You may want to get some counseling for it. It will kill ya man.
  17. Logic is not your strong suit counselor. How have you come to the conclusion that I give a rats ass about the woman shot. Please elaborate. Check.......
  18. That's a shitton of miles. So if you're drinking in your car it will shut off? So you got nothin' other than it's got Democrat support?
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