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Chef Jim

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Everything posted by Chef Jim

  1. I know. I rarely ask a question here I don’t know the answer to. Why I directed it to Billy. 😉
  2. He found no evidence of fraud? Did anyone follow up with “how extensive was your search?” None? Nada? Niente?
  3. Doing the Lord’s work pays very well!
  4. Yes three days for me. But then again I only drink maybe once a year. So it may not happen?
  5. From the annals of Covid hIstory. My favorite app is nugs. It has thousands of streams of live concerts. I can listen to a show from tonight tomorrow morning. I only listen to live music so it’s awesome. Anyway I’m listening to 311 in Vegas in March 13th 2020. That’s pretty much the day everything shut down. I’m 9 songs in and not mention of Covid. I really wish I had kept a journal.
  6. I start my Q3 client meetings the 13th. I’ll be whacked busy the two weeks after. It takes my three to recover. FaceTime!! EDIT: I mean 3 weeks to recover from TBDHOT not my client meetings. LOL
  7. Same as mine. Lack of proper clinical testing and FDA approval. Mine went deeper than that but that were her main reasons. Nor should my anecdotes change your hunches. 😉
  8. Geez reading through this makes me want to come back again. You're not invited in 3...2....1....
  9. Now do…… Hmmmm. Where have I heard that before? 🤔
  10. The looks you get when you tell the young'uns there was a time when you got gas based on the last digit of your license plate is priceless. Odd Day/Even Day
  11. Yes of course it's anecdotal however anecdotes and hunches are two very different things. Hunches are what you think whereas anecdotes are what I've heard. Case in point I have a very close friend who just got her shot. She hates needles and the reason she was not getting the shot had very little to do with the needle.
  12. Location Location Location......sumpin' sumpin'
  13. I have a good HS friend who has been in the US business promotions sector with the US Embassy. She has 2-4 year stints. Here's where she's been: Warsaw Monaco Saudi Arabia (she hated that) Mumbai and finally starting next month..... LONDON! I'm so happy for her to finally get out of some shitholes the past several years. She also has forced retirement at 65. How come someone like her is forced to retire at 65 but those in power that make decisions daily that affect us all can work forever?
  14. The reasoning as to why it's fair. I can see if you have no choice in where you work. They are telling you where to work which will dictate your cost of living. This is not what Google and others doing. They are not forcing people to work in a more expensive area. That's really what the Feds are doing. We'll pay you a base of X to do your work. If we ship you off to SF we will pay you more because the cost of living is more. I live in the hills of Montana but because there is nothing to do there you have to pay me more to support my coke and expensive booze habit.
  15. Yes it does matter because she wasn't an innocent bystander. She made the choices that day that ultimately got her killed.
  16. Oh look Twit for Brains has been lied to.......AGAIN. You love that hook, line and sinker don't you. https://www.forbes.com/sites/andrewsolender/2021/01/09/all-the-republicans-calling-for-trumps-removal-after-the-capitol-attack/?sh=3d46843071ff
  17. Ok. Then why is it laughable @LeviF ? I think it's spot on. And BTW working from home you become a less of a liability to the firm from an OSHA/Worker's Comp standpoint.
  18. I'm sorry dear but I think they have already done that. A long time ago.
  19. So if I tell you to go to the bar for a drink and you get drunk and kill someone I'm liable? This is the number one reason I'm a conservative. Stop being dumbasses and take responsibility for your own actions. EDIT: And BTW Trump didn't even tell them to go to the bar. He told them to go to the street the bar was on.
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