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Chef Jim

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Everything posted by Chef Jim

  1. You have not given any definitive proof of the GA Bill/Jim Crow on Steroids correlation and cannot. You, counselor, have the burden of proof and you have failed to do so. Check and mate.
  2. Rule #2? You first. It’s how it works right? Check.
  3. And a very telling quote. Thanks for sharing. Again all these things have very little, if anything, to do with history.
  4. And how would you go about wiping out the Taliban once and for all? Cockroaches always come back after “extermination.” I always felt our presence was needed there and other Middle East shitholes to keep the terrorists occupied fighting us there instead of here. It’s a conundrum in my mind. No he’s not aged well at all! Oh…..you mean his statement Carry on……
  5. Shouldn’t Rule #2 actually apply to you first? Mmhmm Check.
  6. Yup I remember that. And it had nothing to do with the Bill being anything like Jim Crow let alone Jim Crow on steroids. I pointed that out to you at the time and if I remember correctly you didn’t counter. You lost the argument and for some reason you’re doubling down on it. Carry on.
  7. No thanks. I won’t give them the click. Children over 18 months were not born during Covid. I can’t stand deceptive headlines. Why I’ve been calling out people posting BS Tweets.
  8. If you actually had you would be showing me again. There is nothing in that Bill that remotely resembles Jim Crow and to insinuate otherwise is one of the more stupid things I’ve heard. I would love to hear you make this assertion to someone who actually suffered through Jim Crow. You did? When? Where? How?
  9. How do you test the IQ of a child 18 months and younger? And no, I did not read the article.
  10. If you think 1619 is only about history you’ve not been paying attention. It is history in basis but often used to push a narrative. You were never taught about slavery in school? 😏
  11. I disagree. 1619 is history. But to use that date to push the narrative as you said does not belong. I have no problem with CRT just as I have no problem with Einstein’s theory of relativity. But what is interesting in bringing up Einstein’s theory is what is the relevance of the narrating that CRT will likely bring into the growth of our chiller. And teachers and politicians.
  12. Waste of time. Neither he nor @SectionC3 have been able to even remotely compare this to Jim Crow let alone Jim Crow on steroids. It would hope that is incredibly offensive to anyone who had to suffer through the actual Jim Crow.
  13. We’ve been waiting for proof as to what makes this Jim Crow on steroids for months now. Talk about being upstaged.
  14. Read that Tweet you posted compared to the article you linked and tell us the discrepancy.
  15. When I say a dick I mean leading with an attitude of tough love with an emphasis on tough. Politicians need to stop doing what's popular, worrying about keeping their phony baloney jobs and start doing what's right and that means stop coddling people.
  16. Another Twit for Brains. It was not fully shut down.
  17. No lawyer speak there but very layman. Thank you. And I agree that he may be guilty of firing up the crowd however nothing illegal.
  18. So SF just kicked their restaurants (and other businesses) in the nut sack.
  19. I think we need more politicians that are *****. Being overly compassionate is the reason we have ***** cities like Oakland with Libby The Hand Wringer Schaaf
  20. Not sure if you're right or wrong but this has been my contention all along. I think the left just loves to be hysterical. You know.....childish temper tantrums.
  21. That was my response counselor. Just getting clarification. You said he was not innocent either so that makes him guilty of something. And not the court of public opinion. What specific law is he "guilty" of. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BvUZijEuNDQ&list=RDBvUZijEuNDQ&start_radio=1
  22. Here's what was mentioned in the article I saw. Who knows if it's true but this just points out that anyone who takes a Twit's Tweet as gospel and doesn't do their research is a Twit For Brains.
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