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Chef Jim

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Everything posted by Chef Jim

  1. I see. North Korea? How about them. A. Negotiate B. Nuke
  2. Ok. There’s one. But then again I’m American of Italian descent who specialized in French Bistro cuisine. @Tiberius Still waiting on my answer.
  3. We are? Ok then. Based on that we need to get to work. When to nukes fly against the CCP.
  4. Checkmate? Ha. You just took my decoy pawn with your queen leaving your king exposed. What do the Y-axes represent? Check
  5. I see. And what will be the cost of this adventure and wouldn’t those dollars be better used on OUR problems? Why so concerned about the Afghanis? Does the Taliban pose a threat to us?
  6. So how do you suggest we operationally and tactically eliminate forever the Taliban.
  7. He’s had 21 years of inflation chipping away at that income need. I’m order to maintain his 2000 lifestyle he’s need a lot more than $45k. And he’s got potentially another 50 years of inflation. Not to mention the cost of aging.
  8. It’s not the values numbskull. Comparing y axis values to two different areas is foolish.
  9. We stand for all those things and do you feel we are supposed to impose all those ideals on the rest of the world at the point of a spear?
  10. Who said they have to be mutually exclusive? It wasn’t my point that it’s one or the other. And you say I’m incapable of cogent thought. 🤦🏻‍♂️ Tell us old man. What is America…..really??
  11. Number 1 vs Number 51. You'd think the difference would be huge. But it's not.
  12. Tens of thousands of homeless here in the US and he wants to save some woman and children half a world and a few centuries away.
  13. Nice story bro but $1m doesn't last forever.
  14. Explain how diversity makes us stronger. I'm not saying diversity is bad I just would love to hear how it makes us stronger.
  15. Tax credits for people that get the vaccine. Done and done. Stop treating us like children or ostracizing those not vaccinated and motivate people. It's what a good leader does. Sometimes you lead with a carrot sometimes with the stick. This requires a carrot. "What more can he doooooooo???" Stop sounding like Greta.
  16. But he was not elected and Delta is bad. Why are we playing the “what if” game and not the “what is” game. Does Biden get any fingers pointed at him?
  17. I know this sounds cruel but why is this our job to save them? They have men right?
  18. That’s one of the more embarrassing things I’ve seen.
  19. You would think but he’s not smart enough nor focused enough. EDIT: And there you have it folks. Only Billy Boy Twit For Brains would laugh at a post about his stupidity.
  20. Who gives a flying ***** about your opinion? Especially when it’s incredibly wrong.
  21. That makes two of the last three posters in this thread. 😏
  22. Weird. I have no kids so I have no clue but I thought it was “impossible” to get kids off the computer and PlayStation and out of the house. Now keeping them in ***** them up. 😂
  23. Then what? Why is their shithole our responsibility?
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