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Chef Jim

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Everything posted by Chef Jim

  1. How does it enhance creativity? Give us some examples. Less hoaxy?? You’ve been running around here spewing the biggest hoax of them all. Carry on hoaxmeister.
  2. Mom has an expiration date? Has he seen the will? Is he even named in it? Maybe she’s leaving it all to Happy Cats cat rescue. What if mom needs assisted living at $100k a year for 4 years before she dies?
  3. Hey Pee Wee. How's your Sunday going?
  4. My point is absolutely not moot because they are discussing it being taught. I have no problem teaching the theory. My problem is, and has always been, what agenda will our teachers use under the umbrella of "oh we're just teaching CRT" It's the adlibbing that will concern me.
  5. I ran a quick plan. $1,000,000 at the age of 18 ran at 8% with expenses of $45k per year adjusted for inflation. here's how it looks. He runs out of money in 39 years.
  6. And your friend qualifies under what area. And if so cool. His property tax is frozen. All his other costs, for the most part, will increase every year. Trust me. He’s likely either going to run our or have to make adjustments. It’s called longevity risk.
  7. Can't teach what Twit for Brains Would you consider some wanting to incorporate CRT (or race relations) in our schools to impressionable children as zealots?
  8. You do realize that NJ's property taxes do increase over time. They are not "locked in". It's people like you that keep me in business. You don't know me very well do you. I could live on $2,300 a month but I don't have to so I don't.
  9. I can read graphs just fine. You don’t understand ratios. You lost admit it. Whar does that have to do with our conversation here. I called you our on your absurd idea that MAGA is anything like the Taliban. Care to address that? And what safe space might you be talking about?
  10. Ahhhhh another dumbass tweet shared by our residen Twit For Brains. I suggest you read up on the atrocities committed by the Taliban. Carry on Tool.
  11. Child survivor benefits only run until the age of 18. You really think if a minor’s parent dies we’re on the hook paying for the rest of their lives? How do you know his property taxes are fixed?
  12. How long have we had the flu vaccine and we still have the flu? Covid is here to stay in some form.
  13. This is what really pisses me off. We spent how much treasure and how many lives to prepare the Afghan military to take care of itself and they turn French. It appears all that military equipment we gave them (or did we sell it to them? Doubt it) is now likely ending up in the hands of the Taliban. Good job USA! 😏
  14. The fact he can live on $35k a year tells me all I need to know about him. He’s boring as *****. 😂
  15. You only turn 60 once. The Uber rich don’t live like you and me. Add the fact that he’s likely a narcissist like most politicians and that’s what happens. Who cares.
  16. They have a favorable opinion because: 1. She’s cool 2. She’s a woman 3. She’s a POC 4. Because they agree with her politics regardless of how well she does her job.
  17. I talk about inflation and you mention that his home is paid for. Inflation doesn’t affect the mortgage. NJ property tax is not a fixed expense worker. Again. You’re not looking at inflation. In just 10 years in order to buy the stuff that costs you $35k today you’ll need nearly $50k. That’s why when someone says “I can just live off the interest!” they have no clue. Has he ever worked? If not he has no SS which would make it a lot easier. And that has a COLA though modest. But they’re expecting a 6% COLA for 2022!
  18. I hate when the put the victims picture right next to those charged with the crime. 😡😡😡
  19. A very good friend was not feeling good Wednesday. Got tested Thursday and was confirmed positive yesterday. I asked her just now how she’s doing. She said “I’m ok. I think I’m going to cut the grass tomorrow.” 🙄
  20. I believe greatly in the science of genetics. I was hoping to get Tib’s take on it.
  21. What does the Y-axis represent. It’s a very simple question.
  22. You’re not just a hawk you’re an insane hawk.
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