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Chef Jim

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Everything posted by Chef Jim

  1. So you're afraid of the markets and you're in cash when inflation is a constant headwind on your cash while over the long run the markets are a tailwind. Thinking you're going to be ok is not a plan. Trust me on this one. What is my ideology and how will it do me harm?
  2. So you're in cash? What is the inflation rake increasing and decreasing? And we've not even got into the taxes aspect of all this.
  3. It's all part of the "evil" plan. Now they can say "the one Trump policy we didn't change or remove completely has bitten us right in the ass!" Wait for it....
  4. Not having a clue as the affect of inflation on your retirement is worse. There are all sorts of risks when it comes to planning and cash flow. Efficient markets and inflation are always going to be there. You can control the efficiency of your retirement in all market cycles. Inflation? Not so much.
  5. Absolutely. If this is truly a photoshop this is the most embarrassing thing ever.
  6. That is absolutely how people lived in the 80's. That's when it changed. The advent and popularity of the 401k/IRA made people realize they didn't need to rely on their employer for their retirement. Regarding the highlighted. In your mind what do blue states have over red states when it comes to these? And ***** pensions. Create your own that will actually be adjusted for inflation.
  7. Greed and resentment? Where are you getting that from? I just think it's interesting when people think they have their plan all figured out when I've seen day in and day out that most don't have a clue.
  8. No I'm not. You're carrying on your father's crankiness. Not a good look.
  9. I hope you have a better plan than your friend's .
  10. And what mindset is that? It is up to you to prepare for your retirement and no one else? OMG it's horrible!! So it was his choice but it's somehow IBM's fault. You don't know what your father's actual retirement package was but was bitter with it. Life sucks but again he had a role in his retirement plan too. It's people like your father that keep me in business. Thanks pops! Of course I remember the ups and downs of IBM. I have no idea how old you are.
  11. Did your father ask what his retirement package was going to be? On his last day did they present his package with SURPRISE??
  12. Do you think those not vaccinated understood the risks?
  13. And this is again is the number one reason I'm conservative. Never ever rely on anyone else for your success. What, in your opinion, was he expecting?
  14. You’re pretty much the only person that feels this way. Even the Biden/Dem/Liberal boot licker CNN is saying “what a mess!” https://amp.cnn.com/cnn/2021/08/16/politics/afghanistan-joe-biden-donald-trump-kabul-politics/index.html
  15. What do you mean? What opportunities and who have been closed out?
  16. Biden announced this for one reason and one reason only. Fanfare. Why do you think he chose the 20th anniversary of 9/11? He thought it would be simple. And now it’s a cluster*****.
  17. Thanks for stopping by. It was very informative. Come back soon ok?
  18. Twit For Brains lied to again. Seriously dude. Put your Twitter feed down.
  19. So you have faith in a) politicians creating school curriculum (left or right) and b) teachers following the curriculum and not ad libbing or editorializing?
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