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Chef Jim

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Everything posted by Chef Jim

  1. My best friend who I love dearly has just come down with Covid. She has not been a burden to the health system. She’s been hunkered down at home. And regarding your stay home and die comment? I only have two words for you. ***** you!
  2. I never read your full posts. Does not fit with my ADD but you mentioned we’ve done a better job of immigration vetting. Questions. Have you seen our southern border lately and no one has (at least I’ve not seen a response) told me where these planes full of Afghani refugees are going. And how have they been vetted?
  3. So you’re in record saying you’re quite content with whatever happens to Afghani the women and children?
  4. No seriously. I would like to know where all these refuges are heading.
  5. $1m taxable investment($1m basis) (CA/Fed) growing at 8% inflation 3%. This is a 70 plus year plan. The guy were talking about was young. Long term inflation runs about 3%. He runs out. The 40 year income need is $107k. That’s a 10.7% distribution rate. As inflation increases and we star taping into principal the distribution rate skyrockets. Why he runs out.
  6. You say it’s political but it’s your brother. And I’m just busting them on you. Too caught in money? Damn ***** straight. It makes the world and my retirement go round and round.
  7. I am applauding it. I would love to have all our troops out. I’ve said as much. He just did it in a half assed way.
  8. No dude. Deep down your hatred of FL is rooted in the jealousy you have towards your brother. Possibly
  9. I did the math. He runs out. You’re forgetting taxes.
  10. Wait....so your brother is racking it in with ocean front properties in FL. I think we just got to the bottom of your hatred of FL.
  11. Ok I like to think I'm pretty good and logical thinking so here goes. One of our main reasons we were told we were in Afghanistan was to prepare the Afghans to run their country and protect their citizens from the Taliban. We gave them planes, helicopter, armored vehicles and 20 years of training to do so. At least this is what we were told. Here we are 20 years later and they fall like a house of cards. So what in the mother effing hell were we doing there for all those 20 years? My educated guess was lining the pockets of our politicians and their military industrial complex friends. We've been had folks.
  12. I'm spot on. Inflation never stops. How much would you need to be pulling from that $1m today to buy what you bought in 2000 for $45k? We were talking a long term plan. Gov's buddy was going to run out of money. Define semi-responsible. Strictly in mutual funds? What does that mean?
  13. You call a couple nutjobs in San Bernardino a major terrorist attack. So my point is well founded. We have had essentially no major terrorist attacks in our country since 911. Do you think our presence in the Middle East (i.e. Afghanistan) has kept them busy there and not here? So a bunch of random whack jobs. I'm talking coordinated attacks a la 911. So my thought all along is the reason why there have not been any major coordinated attacks is because we've kept them busy fighting our soldiers there vs our civilians here.
  14. How many right wing terrorist attacks have we had on our country in the last 20 years? Even though it has ZERO to do with our conversation and I have no idea (well actually I do) why you brought it up.
  15. Sorry I wasn't clear. How many major terrorist attacks carried out by Muslim Extremists in those 20 years?
  16. And when Afghanistan sank into a hell hole of Taliban rule with daily atrocities you would have applauded Trump's move to withdraw?
  17. My point since day one. Why I put it on my calendar the day he announced the 9/11 date. Well to be honest I put it there because I was expecting it NOT to happen. He went from one extreme to the other.
  18. So you knew the country was going to be taken over by the Taliban. How quickly did you expect it to happen?
  19. How many major terrorists attacks have we had on our soil in those 20 years? I hope this was on purpose.
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