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Chef Jim

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Everything posted by Chef Jim

  1. Did Trump release the 5,000 prisoners? Tool. Wow struck a nerve child. 😂😃😃 You were wrong to say Trump released 5,000 prisoners. He did not. 🤦🏻‍♂️
  2. Because it doesn’t fit his narrative. IMO per capita is the only metric.
  3. Pot growers?? 😂😂😂 I’ll stick with ours here in California. We actually get sun and warmth.
  4. Of course. The army always needs pot washers.
  5. Phish fan? It all of a sudden makes sense.
  6. What angers me are financial simpletons like yourself that feel a million dollars will just last forever. Here's your financial dunce cap.
  7. I'll take a wise rural person over and educated city person every day of the week. An education doesn't mean squat. You're living proof
  8. Nope. If you think Trump released prisoners from an Afghan prison you are even dumber and more brainwashed that I thought. I didn't think that was possible.
  9. 92% of Dems support it?? That's some sheeple right there!
  10. Way back when (during Bush) I said chip 'em and release 'em.
  11. Yup they are vulnerable. To themselves. Your body, your choice.
  12. You're being lied to again Twit For Brains. He didn't mention it because it didn't happen.
  13. You are a total Twit for Brains!! You've posted some real dumb ***** but this one takes the cake. Do some research on the Taliban and let us know where the comparison is ok? 😡
  14. I am trained in Classical French cuisine and specialized in French Bistro/Country cooking. So does the fact that I'm a white American mean I don't know more about French food than most French people? I'll tell you it does not. People.......? Just stop!
  15. Being an ####### is a fantastic way to motivate people to do things. Bravo. Get your flu shot!
  16. What higher paying jobs? So what about the non-Mexican and non-Baby Boomer workers? Where did they go?
  17. As I've said having a strong presence in the ME helps keep us safe here. But quit lying and telling us we're there to help the women and children. We're there to protect our best interests.
  18. This is the one that really boggles the mind. Bagram AF Base should have been the last out. The captain bailed before the ship sunk. Is Mel Brooks our Commander-in-Chief now?
  19. Have you not been paying attention? Obviously we can't. Is the Taliban truly OUR enemy?
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