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Chef Jim

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Everything posted by Chef Jim

  1. Lil Sumpin' Lagunitas was one of my favs when I drank. The double standard from both sides is obnoxious.
  2. Yeah that whole difference of opinion thing is so difficult to take. I get that. Trump supporters = Fascists? Explain please.
  3. Good point. So we have a cargo plane depart loaded with Afghani refugees but leave Americans stranded. ***** beautiful.
  4. For years while I was a poor Chef mine kept us afloat. See @BillStime this is how you do it. Lighten up dude.
  5. Yup. Plumjack wines and hospitality group. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/PlumpJack_Winery
  6. You're the kind of guy who had a vasectomy, the wife's had her tubes tied and gone through menopause and you still wear a condom aren't you?
  7. It's likely because they all purged you from their lives. Not because of your politics but because you're insufferable.
  8. Ahhh yes the closed minded liberal. "I disagree with you I purge you from my life." Pathetic.
  9. I was 14 in 1975. I’m now 60. Yes please on the term limits.
  10. I was leaning more towards because she's a woman.
  11. The only thing missing is his hands in his pockets. Oh so NOW you're deeply worried. From the heart! No teleprompter.
  12. LA County is now mandating masks for outdoor events of 10,000 or more. Why 10,000? And you don't have to wear one if you're actively drinking or eating. So I anticipate zero masks at the football games.
  13. You asked why she feels the need. I answered your question. Come on man! Look who she was talking to. This is essentially the local garbage man discussing politics with the beautician down the block.
  14. Good luck with the lines getting in. Be prepared to leave the tailgate at 9am to make the kickoff.
  15. I guess you'd be ok with them giving everyone a breathalyzer before they hopped in their cars and drove home?
  16. What about those we've left behind Dr Jill? I have changed my stance on this. We cannot and should not have turned our back on the Afghanis. She can say what she wants. She has opinions like we all do. Who cares.
  17. Prove me wrong on either of my points. I debate you and you constantly deflect with your silly immature nonsense which pretty much proves you cannot argue your points. You never ever do. You just deflect. You have failed time and time again to prove your assertions right and mine wrong. What does that tell the logical minds? BTW that question was for the others on the board not you. See I used the word logical to define the noun mind. Those two words don't go together with you.
  18. But I thought HE released them. Are you confused Billsy but you sure seem confused. And yes I read that graph just fine. You ***** up with your assertion that states with low vaccination rates are horrible while the graphs I showed the state with the highest vaccination rate (Vermont) had an per capita case increase that was not that much less than the per capita rate of the state with the lowest vaccination rate (Alabama). Prove me wrong.
  19. Where they involved in negotiating the release? Yes. But that's not was Billy said. He said Trump released 5,000 prisoners. Call it semantics all you want but words have meaning and Billy is not very good with words.
  20. He did?? Please show us how Trump had and used the authority to release those prisoners. You're already the laughing stock of the board. Might as well keep it going.
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