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Chef Jim

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Everything posted by Chef Jim

  1. Who in the ***** is talking politicians? I'm talking the people of this great nation. Go out and take a walk old man. Get some fresh air. It will do you good.
  2. What do Trump voters have to do with this? You are one messed up dude. Your poor family.
  3. They are not being drowned out by nonsense. You allowing the nonsense to take over your ears, eyes and brain. Go work in the garden old man. What happen? Did the PPP GPS I send you run out of batteries. BTW this is one of your more childish memes. Grow up man-child. You're a ***** embarrassment.
  4. Good lord dude. There are shitloads of good conservatives out there. You just aren't paying attention.
  5. We get out. Then what? Do you think it's in the Taliban's best interest that we get out? I assume the guy who wants to rape your girl is going to wait until you leave the house to do it.
  6. Look in the mirror internet tough old man.
  7. I fear you have had little conversations with Conservative Middle America. You need to get out some.
  8. Exactly. I said this years ago Twitter was going to be the "death" of the Republic. Nothing's really changed. It's just in your face 24/7. We had The Buffalo Evening News delivered at 3pm (or whenever the kids delivering it got out of school) Irv Weinstein at 6pm and Harry Reasoner and Howard K. Smith at 7pm and that was essentially it. Get off the Bots Twit For Brains.
  9. Hysterical Chicken Little rears his ugly head. We survived so much in this country so much worse than this. Let's do a little timeline from 100 years ago. So someone who was 20 at the beginning of this timeline was 44 when it was over. Quit your whining old man. 1917 US Enters WWI 1918 Spanish Flu Epidemic 1929 Stock Market Crash 1930-1939 Great Depression 1939- Germany Invades Poland 1941 - Japanese Attack Pear Harbor 1941-1945 - WWII Now I know you're talking more of the philosophical demise of the US but damn dude. Good thing you're old. Life sure sucks for you right now.
  10. I have a good friend who works for the US Embassy. She has forced retirement at 65.
  11. Again I read no further. If you truly believe that 100% of those Covid deaths are people that died FROM Covid vs those that died WITH Covid I think it's likely safe to say that I'm not the fool in this conversation. Talk to some people in the medical field (I have) and get back to us.
  12. Hmmmmm…..now I wonder who you might be talking about? 🤔 Billsy: mmmm yeah man. Oooh yeah. Mmmmhmmm….. Mrs Billsy: wake up dear! You’re dreaming of Trump again.
  13. Oh my comment had nothing to do with mental capacity. How many years does he have left? Who the ***** wants to deal with all this ***** at 58 let alone 78? Imagine half the country hates your ass. 99.99% of the country has no idea who I am. I’m sitting on a beach in the Caribbean at 78.
  14. I’m reading a book on WWII and they talk about Operational vs Tactical. Operational is the overall game plan and Tactical is the small maneuvers or battles. This was bad on the operational side. Horrific on the tactical side.
  15. Delusion is strong in this one. All conservatives who think Trump is a numbskull say aye. AYE!!
  16. At 78 I’ll plan on being 18 years into my retirement. Sail away old man. Enjoy what time you have.
  17. Why would you want to shoot me? Prevent mutations. 😂
  18. It’s your hatred of Trump that is the issue. Yeah, we get it childish meme boy. ***** move on. BTW almost none of us idolize Trump. 🙄
  19. Glad I don’t go to large venues. You can stick that ***** where the sun don’t shine. Afraid of it get in your bubble. I’ll stick with my small venue concerts.
  20. No I've already said it's a good idea. Just expect massive lines from people not able to find their cards, people arguing with the people at the gates asking for cards. It's going to be a glorious ***** show. Have fun fans!! LOL!
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