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Chef Jim

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Everything posted by Chef Jim

  1. Increasing the wage base? You mean the level where income is no longer subjected SS tax? If so I mentioned that.
  2. Oh I imagine you'd be a happy clam if the GOP failed to exist tomorrow morning.
  3. Live Q&A? That will be interesting. LOL But you are part of a party that seems to want to do away with the other party. I've been saying forever we need a viable thirds and fourth party. But the two in charge will never allow that to happen. If we've not even sniffed a third party with what we've had going on the past 6 years we never will. As I've said before I'm glad I'm in the last 1/3 of my life with no children. Have fun suckers!! LOL
  4. Slippery slope man, slippery slope. They misappropriate every dollar they touch not just SS.
  5. Yes. It's a massive ponzi scheme. Why I didn't have kids. To ***** you over on your SS. LOL But that is one of the biggest challenges of planning. People outliving their money. Our grandparents retired at 65 and died at 72. I've recently changed most of my plan assumed age of death from 95 to 100. But look at me follow up post. The amount of money we've all put into SS along with our employers contribution shows a major mishandling of funds. My wife just said we should sue the government for misappropriation of funds. LOL
  6. And this is what happens when you bring politics into your business model. Why anyone does that is beyond me.
  7. I just did a calculation on my SS. I have a 44 year work history. Half of those year were not a lot of money due to working in restaurants. However I took my average annual income and took 6.25% (my SS contributions) of that and calculated what it would be today. I grew it at 9% which is about the 50 average ROR for the S&P 500. It came to $1.3m. If I drew 5% off of that and it averaged 5% I would earn $66k a year and leave my heirs the $1.3m principle. What's the max SS annual check? $40k is taken at FRA and $50k if taken at 70. Now lets add my employers 6.25% match you can double those numbers. Yup SS is a effing ripoff.
  8. So THAT's why you guys want a one party system. Hail to the People's Republic of Democrats.
  9. I've given them before so I will give them again. These all relate to SS directly whereas your ideas did not. Interesting you didn't answer my questions regarding your ideas. Very telling.......as usual. 1. Eliminate the ability to take SS at 62 2. Raise the FRA to 68 and reduce the 8% increase in benefit between 68 and 70 to something like 5%. For someone who's FRA is 66 if they wait until 70 currently that is a 32% increase in their benefit. Too much a. Review FRA every 5 years and adjust that based on life expectancies. Life insurance companies revised their mortality tables a few years back so can SS 3. Increase the income threshold for for SS taxes. There still needs to be a cap but I feel it's too low. 4. Allow people to opt out of the plan altogether. Maybe make it so they can only opt out if they have a qualified retirement plan and they are required to contribute the 6.2% to the plan and their employer's 6.2% goes in as a match. We don't want them opting out and just spending it. 5. Change way COLA is determined. It's based on CPI and seniors spending is way different than the typical worker. This often skews COLA too high.
  10. I'm done here. You obviously are not willing or unable to articulate why same sex couples can't use the word marriage. And that's ok Deek. Many of us have deep rooted feeling about things we can't explain where they come from. I will leave you with this. To your last sentence. Ask a same sex couple who you've just told cannot call themselves a married couple if they feel degraded. Calling them married is pretty damn precise to me. But that's me.
  11. First Bullet Point. Are you talking FRA? What about the ability to take SS at 62? What about the 8% increase from FRA to 70? Second Bullet Point: You do realize that's why Scott wants to sunset SS right? To force it to be looked at and revised on a regular basis Third Bullet Point: Good...good. Now let me ask you what will less spending on the state level do for SS? You realize SS is a federal program right? What do you mean dissolve towns and villages? Explain this further on why/how and what this will do to bolster SS. Fourth Bullet Point: Please explain how this will help SS? SS is not funded by corp taxes. I'll give you an A for making an actual adult attempt at solutions but a D for how your ideas will help.
  12. We have multiple words for virtually everything. Yes we most certainly do but you have not explained why YOU are against same sex couple using the word marriage. Why even make the suggestion? There has to be some sort of reasoning behind your suggestion. It's weird dude. You've tapped danced around this. Do you feel same sex couples should be able to use the word marriage/married when discussing their relationship and if so why or why not. This should clear things up.
  13. Ahhhh turning myself into knots. Right out of Billy Boys playbook again. Well he uses the word pretzel but you get my point. You're really disappointing me Deek. I have not tied myself in knots. That would be you. First they can't use the word marriage because the "good book" says that marriage is between a man and a woman. Then when confronted with that you deny that it's about religion and now it's about linguistics. Which is it? I assume it's a bit of both and that's ok. You still haven't given us any rationale as to why you feel they cannot use the word marriage. Maybe because you're not quite sure of the reason yourself. Who knows. So we will leave it at this. You have something against same sex couples using a word. What it is we have no idea but that's ok. You do what you want and think what you want. Just do the gay community a favor. Let them use whatever word they want. If it offends you let it offend you. As a comedian said. "So what, be offended. Nothing happens!"
  14. Simple solution. Get off the Twit for Brains site. I said years ago it was going to be the death of the Republic and looks like I was right.
  15. Well the loans are not transferred to the taxpayers. They are just piled on to our national debt. So no one’s paying it off.
  16. Ours doubled in three years and our taxes have gone up $300 over the full three years. Thank you prop 13.
  17. NY property taxes are ***** stupid. Here in CA our house is worth $700k we will pay just under $6k next year. Question: How are FL’s property taxes increased? I know I’m TX they reassess every year. Here it’s a 2% annual increase.
  18. Email is best. I just texted you my work email.
  19. Oh no!!!!!!! Sunset! 😱 You understand what that means regarding SS right? Government sunsets things all the time. Trump’s tax cuts are set to sunset. If it needs adjustment? If?? What suggested changes would you make regarding SS?
  20. Yes you’ve told me many times it’s not religious based after you told me it was based on your religion. So make up you mind. More definitive? In what way? Is their union so different it’s needs a different word? You still haven’t explained what your hang up with them using the word married/marriage? So according to you they can get married but they can’t call it married.
  21. Message me when you want to talk.
  22. We joined a range and practiced a lot a took a few courses. One was a home invasion course. We even practiced drills on what to do if someone got in. It's sad we had to do that but @BillStime must live in some bucolic neighborhood in Massachusetts. Not everyone has that "luxury. You wouldn't believe some of the crazy ***** was saw on our security camera. Not every town is Mayberry. Where we live now? Sleep with the windows open and the back slider unlocked. We still have the guns. Not for protection but for fun target practice.
  23. Well I was being mostly facetious. I don't think Trump v2 would be the best thing for our country. And @BillStime head will implode regardless. He's quite entertaining.
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