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Chef Jim

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Everything posted by Chef Jim

  1. You've been lied to again Twit for Brains. This one is one of your more egregious ones however. Bravo!
  2. Biden: University of Kentucky? Come on man!! I ain't got time to speak to anyone from the University of Kentucky!!
  3. What in the ever loving God does this have to do with Trump?? You were doing so good up until that point Canada = America's Hat
  4. @oldmanfan as a young’un https://vm.tiktok.com/ZMRNpfcyR/
  5. Oh I agree. The virus doesn’t stop at state lines. All numbers will likely rise but you said flip. So not sure why.
  6. We beat you. And there in lies the biggest problem folks. This ain’t a Sunday fall afternoon.
  7. Not write the plan but be a very big part of it wouldn't you agree? He does hold the title of Commander-in-Chief of our armed forces no?
  8. So not the French are making us look bad? I fear @oldmanfan may be right.
  9. Who's not going to be able to vote? You all live in myths that you can never point out in reality.
  10. Nope. I've already told you why. The never ending erosion of his purchasing power. At what age did he get the million?
  11. And sharp. I think everyone in my office cut themselves moving those things around. But knowing my firm they went cheap on them.
  12. That article like, sounded like it was like written by like a 16 year old girl. That was some top notch investigative work. Good job Twit For Brains. Headline reading only is embarrassing.
  13. Nooooooo. Those things were the dumbest security blanket ever.
  14. Looks like I need to break out my oldie but a goody. BEST PANDEMIC EVER!!!
  15. How did they ever survive pre-Covid in those "low wage jobs"? Work or starve is my motto. What on earth is wrong with you? These are not people that cut lawns. These are people that are/were hard working entrepreneurs who built a business and became millionaires.
  16. Andy has a very high probability of running out of money before running out of life. Your tax dollars will take care of his lazy ass. Track him down all you want. It's not his current situation that will likely ***** him. It's his future situation.
  17. Making America Great Again is a terrorist organization? Twit for Brains is on a roll today. If he had two brain cells to rub together he might come up with his own ideas. But he doesn't. Carry on Twit.
  18. Who may die? Those that made the choice or the fetus who had it's choice made for it. Strike another "win" for Twit for Brains.
  19. We are very consistent. You on the other hand....... Ahhh Twit For Brains sharing someone else's Twatty Twit.
  20. Maybe take a drive? Watch some good ole fashioned Gunsmoke on MeTV? You know TV shows before America went in the shitter.
  21. So there is no longer a need to be concerned with optics not that Trump is gone?
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