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Chef Jim

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Everything posted by Chef Jim

  1. You never once made anything other than a laughable correlation between this Bill and Jim Crow. And I’ve not experienced it? Ummm no, no one has experienced the changes regarding voting in GA.
  2. I never said it didn’t exist. You reading what you want again?. It doesn’t have to exist. They chose to wait in line. Go read some more lying Tweets Twit For Brains. You read it? Great! Please quote the parts that are Jim Crow on Steroids.
  3. It’s very easy. How do you vote? Do you wait in line for 9 hours. HEY!! ANYONE HERE WAIT FOR 9 HOURS??
  4. I thought it was more racist than Jim Crow. Why has your narrative hanged? 🤔
  5. Putting elegant in quotes (why the single quotation marks is beyond me) does not make the use of that word any less ridiculous. Twit For Brains has been on a tear lately.
  6. Awww that’s sweet I noticed you didn’t defend your Twit as not being a lie.
  7. I’m not on Twitter. Is it all lies or does Twit For Brains just find the lies? The Twits love you Billsy. Carry on…..
  8. Gavin: I’m proud of the progress we’ve made on the backs of the Latino community. On their backs pretty boy? That needs to be on billboards all over the state.
  9. One party (Dems or Reps) in charge ain't progress you numbskull.
  10. The perp walk comes next. Any day now.......................
  11. I really really really hate Republicans because they are so hateful.
  12. There is 20 years of blame to pass around. If you think this one is only on Trump you're a......oh wait.......you are. Carry on.
  13. WHAT?? Get out! I hate you. 😡😡😡 Man you guys really need to get out of your bubbles. There is some phenomenal music out there. Pop music has pretty much always sucked. And culture? Weren’t y’all celebrating our increased diversity just this week? You’re all a bunch of confused mother effers.
  14. Oh that’s no gonna be good for the commute. Hated taking that bridge into the city.
  15. We just got ours in the mail. Told my wife “vote yes….three times!!”
  16. The newest addition to the Billsy fan club it appears.
  17. In a sports bar in the Grand Caymans. The Bills were on and what fun we had.
  18. His wife helped make the puppets! I didn't know that and no doubt she's a WNY gal. LOL
  19. Our black lab when I was a kid was Lurch. Did you look behind the couch? Sorry.....it's just classic DC Tom and I miss him.
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