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Chef Jim

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Everything posted by Chef Jim

  1. No. Freedom of choice allows the citizens to make their OWN choices not the government (aka schools). I’m sorry you don’t understand the meaning of the term Liberty. And that’s a terrible, and embarrassing (for you) shame. Which slippery slope would you prefer? Governments forcing behaviors (mask) or parents making decisions for their children. You all cry “follow the science!!” Parents that are allowing their children to go massless ARE following the science.
  2. How many has he “killed”. You’re catching up to Billsy as the board tool. 🙄
  3. Florida, where the freedom of choice still reigns supreme!
  4. Yup. Take away people’s liberties what else can they do?
  5. Where have I seen this before? 🤔 Oh yeah…….
  6. How many deaths? Probably 12 million. So he’s responding for every death in the US? Yikes. That’s a lot of pressure. The rest? You hit all the bullet points. Details man! Details!!
  7. Yes there is a reason. Now on to my next question. 😱 So you’re saying that DJT wanted to fire him because he didn’t want to play Trumps “the election was stolen” game and that would not influence his decisions regarding 1/6? That he would side with Trump on his decision? Is this REALLY the tactic you’re going with here? 😂😂😂 You guys so screwed up here. Your brains are so mush you done even realize you’re not hurting our argument but enforcing it!
  8. Ok. I’ll bite. Why was he almost fired and how does it matter in this discussion?
  9. She’d be subjected to the 50th Amendment because she’s double crazy.
  10. Further demonstrating that politicians (left/right/center) rarely think through how their decisions will affect things going forward. In the near and foreseeable future. Why almost every one of them would fail in the private sector.
  11. Huh? So what was the whole 25th Amendment ***** about during the last Administration? 🤔
  12. I don’t really think it matters does it? But go ahead and tell me why. As of that will help make your wrong (as usual) Point.
  13. HA!!! I knew this was coming. Thanks for not disappointing. You do realize Trump threatened to fire him right? I bet Wray just LOVES DJT. LOL! And kid? Come up with some new memes. Carry on Man Child
  14. If he did? Then what Billsy? Awwww isn't this cute. Tibs posts something really stupid and look who gives him and Awesome! LOL
  15. Because I like him. Just like how you never criticize your buddy Tibs. It's kinda how it works. Are you new here?
  16. The top poster in this thread has been kind of silent since the FBI report came out. Hmmm....I wonder why?
  17. Well ain't this a delusional post. You think we all respond to you because you're somehow winning? We respond to you because a) you're a tool b) we're pointing out to all how much of a fool you are and c) we're laughing at you. You do provide some entertainment value that's for sure. Kind of like the circus clown on the unicycle. Carry on Clown.
  18. I was a big fan of Larry’s and listened to him every day. I would love to have read that piece but I don’t have an LA Times subscription. I pretty much dropped everything to do with LA when I moved on the other side of the Orange Curtain 20 years ago.
  19. What in the ever loving ***** is this nonsense?
  20. And idiots like Michael Moore have the audacity to compare them to the Taliban. Hey fatso! ***** off!
  21. With Uber, Lyft and Town Cars how hard can it be? Right Nance
  22. Yeah. I’m a fragile little flower when it comes to racism. I just like to ask people to go into the details of the racism they see. You, like many of them, fail time and time again. You went from calling the GA Bill racist to voter suppression. Why is that Billsy? No need to answer. That was rhetorical. Carry on Fail Boy.
  23. I think for myself so I’m going to post one of my daily several dozen memes and Twits from other people. 🤦🏻‍♂️
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