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Chef Jim

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Everything posted by Chef Jim

  1. Dude. I’ve answered. Ain’t my fault you don’t understand the nearly $2b the US paid for the Pfizer vaccine DID cover some or all their R&D. Let me ask you. Do you really think that none of that nearly $2b went to recoup Pfizer R&D expenditures?
  2. Please explain to all here how I lost. The fact you won’t (or can’t) is very telling. It’s ok man. I heard the Bills have a great team again. So you’ve got that winning to look forward to.
  3. Wake up idiot. Look at both parties. To take a quote from Mr Weinstein…whar a mess with plenty of blame for all. Carry on Tool.
  4. How have I lost? You can’t even point it out. Come on dude. Clarifiy your point. Make your point or go home. Here…I’ll make your point for you. Moderna got $2.5b J&J got $1b so ha! Uuummmm Pfizer got $1.95b. 🙄
  5. Ok…point out how your question is relevant. Go ahead. DESTROY me! 😂😂😂
  6. Nope. That was my point all along. Show me how it’s wrong.
  7. Irrelevant to the topic at hand. We were discussing YOUR shot from…where again? 🤔 Oh yeah….PFIZER who got nearly $2b in US post R&D funding. How much did you say they got? 🤔 Oh yeah….ZERO! 😂 Ha. No.
  8. So that’s all ya got. 😂😂😂😂 If you could counter my point you would. But no you post some nonsense.
  9. Nope. Can people still choose to use a car seat or not? That’s a yes or no question.
  10. Ahhhh that question. I didn’t answer because we were talking about Pfizer. You know, the firm you said did not accept $$ for the R&D for YOUR shot when in fact the did when the TRUMP ADMINISTRATION sent them nearly $2b for the doses.
  11. My point was that even though VT has by far the highest vaccination rate it’s per capita spike was (though less) similar to that of AL which has the lowest vaccination rate. You do realize that AL has nearly 10 times the population of VT right?
  12. Not my point. AKA IDK Again. You missed my point too. I suggest you ask for clarification…..genius.
  13. Yup. So you’ll never be satisfied until people are jailed for making a choice YOU disagree with that affects you not one bit. Gotta suck going through life like that.
  14. No now dude. What’s the hold up? Regarding the graph. Sorry you lost that one too. The graphs made my point very well. Does losing so much hurt? Oh wait. All those years as a Bills fan prepared you for this.
  15. No that’s not the response I was looking for. Pull up our last exchange. Should be fun.
  16. Yeah I don’t care about kids. 😏 Approve the vaccine for all regardless of age. Problem solved.
  17. Sure go ahead. Bring it up again. And referring to yourself as a scab is kinda weird but whatever.
  18. No I call you sanctimonious because you’re being…….sanctimonious. Freedom of choice includes ignorant choices too right? Parents, who want to protect their children can still choose to do so correct?
  19. Ok time educate you too on how big pharma works. They are typically “out of pocket” for R&D. They recoup those costs by selling their drugs on the open market. That’s why some drugs are crazy expensive. The US paid nearly $2b (sorry had my numbers wrong) when they purchased the initial rounds of doses. So that money was used to “pay for” Pfizer’s R&D. You know, the R&D they “refused” to accept money from the US for. So for all intents and purposes we paid for their R&D.
  20. Oh good lord. Quit with the sanctimonious bull crap. You do realize parents can still CHOOSE to have their kids wear masks right? DeSantis didn’t outlaw masks. 🙄
  21. Some sense of politics? No freedom of choice. Tell ya what. Read up on states rights and get back to me mmkay. You don’t like how Florida runs things a) move to a state that mandates things you believe in or b) stay away from there. Sorry I make you I’ll. 🙄
  22. You’re wasting your time here. @BillStime doesn’t even know how big pharma R&D works. That the nearly $1b the Trump Administration sent to Pfizer was a “reimbursement” for the $1b they spent out of pocket for the R&D. I think he cried when he realized Trump was responsible for paying for his shot. 😂 You know this is a very good point. This pretty much proves that there would still have been 600,000 Covid (🙄) deaths in 2020 even if Biden (or anyone else) was elected in 2016. Well maybe not 600,000. They may have not tallied things like being killed in a car wreck the day after testing positive as a “Covid death”. 🙄
  23. You have no idea what I meant by parents ”following the science.” So good job assuming what I meant by my comment. See, this is why I ask so many questions. To clarify someone’s point. This way I don’t look like a fool responding with some diatribe that has nothing to do with the other persons point. So let’s take this how this conversation should have gone shall we. Oldman: how are the parents following the science? Chef: by knowing the survival rate is almost 100% with children. Oldman: oh……
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