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Chef Jim

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Everything posted by Chef Jim

  1. Sadness is not what we are looking for in a leader. Good lord. I wonder if he's feeling any guilt?
  2. That's cool. You relish in your participation trophy while you went 0-4 with 4 strikeouts on 12 pitches. You must be a Bills fan. And crowy nature? Crowy NATURE?? You called it Jim Crow on Steroids!! Are you now walking that back now? Hmmmm why might that be? Alright! Now that we have that ***** out of the way now please point out what parts of the TX Bill is Jim Crow.
  3. So seeing you did such a poor job of pointing out what made the GA Bill Jim Crow on steroids we will give you the chance to redeem yourself. Please point out what parts of THIS Bill makes it Jim Crow? To be fair I’ll drop the “on steroids” part for this Bill…..for now.
  4. What in the world does my post have to do with forever wars? Oh that’s right. NOTHING!
  5. I went to Niagara Fall August 2019 for the first time since I was a kid. Stayed at the Seneca Casino Hotel. I had no vehicle and asked the concierge the easiest way to get to Canada. She said “walk!!” GTFO!! So we did. On the way over. Border dude: will you be bringing back any alcohol? Me: does in my belly count! 😂😂😂 Border dude: 🙄
  6. Of the last 214? 214. And what…are you counting the days? EDIT: They are eating our lunch.
  7. Ha! I’m not a Bills fan anymore. I gave up on them 6 years ago. Now I rarely watch any sports. To me they are all boring.
  8. He’s not lying. He just doesn’t know any better.
  9. I see. So running from their responsibilities, not fighting for what they believe in is what their constituents want? Well now ain’t that a shame. How would your clients feel if you said “I don’t agree with this so instead of fight for you I’ll cut and run”? You’d be out of business real quick. I want leadership that will fight for what they believe in. You can have children. Why does this not surprise me coming from you.
  10. Ahhhh Billy Boy. Inventing things to make “his point”. Yes none of us Libery First people care about the psychological affects of active school shooters. Any more apples to monkey wrench comparisons you’d like to make?
  11. Now isn’t this a kick in the pants. The guy who rarely proves his point calling someone not beind honest with themselves. I‘ll leave you with this. Enjoy your Covid “immunity” that was purchased on your behalf by the Trump Administration. Send him a nice thank you note ok?
  12. You can’t even explain how I’ve “lost” and you’ve won whereas I have in several I occasions. But you go ahead and enjoy you illusion of winning. Carry on Illusionist. Bullspit. You just don’t know how to read a graph.
  13. I also think we need to look at is the rate of increase in cases from pre-Delta to now. I don’t have time to look at that now.
  14. Ha! You’ve lost and you take your time doing this? I suggest you get out and get some exercise. Once you’ve done that I suggest you read some P&L statements. Let me ask you a question. What did Pfizer likely do with that nearly $2b the US paid for the doses?
  15. Correct. See Billsy. This is how you make an argument. And my point was we are looking at the best and the worst regarding vaccinations. And VT’s line does NOT look flatter at all! That was my point
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