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Chef Jim

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Everything posted by Chef Jim

  1. Fat = Fact Bankrupt = he's has filed but that doesn't make him bankrupt. Slob = depends on your definition Racist = Quite the damning insinuation. Proof? Hard truths? Yeah you're spitting alright.
  2. Why? I guarantee he'll be back to his fighting weight in no time.
  3. If we're talking old people with student loans then they are doubly dumb. And you're the one wanting to prey on old people who will be paying the bill for the $50k forgiveness. They agreed to it, they should pay it not me (one of the previously mentioned old people).
  4. Hey Liz!! Who's idea was it originally to withdraw our troops?
  5. Good lord! Why not have them get a job that pays them $6k a year more than what they are making now and have THAT stimulate the economy.
  6. I'm kind of revolting. Why I stay away from mirrors. EDIT: I'm in your group too.
  7. Why would I be concerned about being on record saying life has risks and sometimes those risks suck.
  8. Yup. Try getting your stock investment back from a company that has gone belly up. Life comes with risks and sometimes those risks suck.
  9. Those who get their news, opinions and talking points from Twitter will be forever referred to as Twit for Brains.
  10. Rape citizens?? Again. Stupid should hurt. Not my fault someone didn't do their research and let little Johnny go to some stupid school for some stupid degree. Why should I be on the hook for that? Life has risks. I'm not paying for yours.
  11. The next generation from doing what? Being dumb asses? Having parents that are dumbasses? Thinking $150k in student loans for a degree in Interpretive Dance in the 20th Century is a great thing? Stupid should hurt and financial hurt is real. What is horrible in that what Trump said Twit for Brains?
  12. Bankruptcy and forgiveness are two things.
  13. So what's next? Car loans? Home loans? Small business loans? Why are we even considering allowing people to not keep a contractual promise they made. Why school loan? And why not private loans? Why only public loans. This is a horrible precedent to set. And when you say "Bottom line, no one is paying it back"? What do you mean by this. What a wonderful way to teach your son how the real world doesn't work. Bravo!
  14. So you think it’s a good idea? Bad idea? Give us some scenarios of each.
  15. Can you explain how the process of taxing a billionaire’s WEALTH every year is going to work? This is one of the dumbest ideas to come our if DC in a very long time.
  16. Why is student loan forgiveness a good thing?
  17. Be ready to leave the tailgate at 9am to make the 1pm kickoff. Drink up kiddos.
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