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Chef Jim

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Everything posted by Chef Jim

  1. The unvaccinated person first. They are the one in most danger.
  2. Not enough information. It’s an example of lack of compassion.
  3. Of course it’s common in ER. Again a Doctor that denies care based on vaccination status should be stripped of their ability to practice medicine. EMT: we have a severe head wound. Vitals are weak ER Triage: car accident? EMT: yes. ER Triage: we’re they wearing a seatbelt? EMT: no ER Triage: end of the line!! 🙄 Compassion. You may have heard of it.
  4. Any doctor that denies care for someone based on their vaccination status should be stripped of the ability to practice medicine.
  5. And that does NOT automatically put the unvaccinated at the end of the line. That’s just your fantasy. Putz.
  6. Triad? I think the word your looking for it triage and what you explained is not how triage works. Diseases? How about accidents, gun shots and stabbings. And yes belly aches from those without insurance.
  7. What danger are they to you? You’re vaccinated right? Maybe you scaredy cat should stay home. BOO!!
  8. Yup so not sure how the 5 year moratorium on taxation of forgiveness works. I’ll look later. Pain to research that on my phone.
  9. Well actually they cut the fuse for a few years. I’m looking into how that actually works. They’ve put the taxation on hold for 5 years. So is that only good for people that got in the program 15 (for private sector) years ago? I don’t even know if it existed 15 years ago. 😏
  10. I know how. Why they need hire people like me to do it right. Most also don’t know that the forgiven loan is taxable event at 10/20 year mark. They put a temporary (5 year) hold on that taxation recently.
  11. Oh he’s a douche? Why would you want me to die at home?
  12. Government is not the Devil. The people that run it are. Well they’re just dumbasses for the most part.
  13. What’s to figure out? People made a promise to pay the loan back. They pay it back. We just figured it out. I’m still not sure why you feel the need to let those with current loans should get a pass. Reasoning please. We already have loan forgiveness plans in place. Why do we need to alter it?
  14. We are told here in CA to not use as much electricity during the peak hours of 4pm-9pm and they want to mandate all new cars be EV. Why are politicians so ***** narrow minded? SMFH.
  15. I guess people are now figuring out why Donald made the deal with the Taliban he did.
  16. It appears that vaccinated people are more of a threat to non-vaccinated people than the other way around no? I don't think you know what the word exacerbate means. LOL.
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