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Chef Jim

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Everything posted by Chef Jim

  1. Where have I seen this before? 🤔🤔🤔 Oh yeah…..
  2. Not my job. How's the Big Guy in the White House doing with that? Seems it was all Trumps fault 12 months ago. Now it's all on the unvaccinated. Stay inside. Lock your doors and windows. There are unvaccinated people about. BOO!
  3. This is usually said by the person who has none of the first and pays little of the second. You keep to your animal menagerie. Leave the important stuff to the adults.
  4. If you don't use it why have you not donated it? You know....for the greater good. Fraud. I'm a mess? No one cares about the amount of taxes they are paying? Lots of back slapping in DC regarding that. "Yup...we hoodwinked another one!"
  5. I'm obviously talking above your pay grade. Let's put it into terms you can understand. Let's say they don't tax just billionaires they tax everyone based on their wealth. So you have the following assets and you're 55 years old (I used this because you can't pull money from retirement until 59 1/2) Home - $500,000 Retirement - $500,000 Bank Accounts $10,000 Cars - $30,000 Other valuables $20,000 Total Wealth = $1,060,000 taxed at 2% which I think is the number I'm hearing them kicking around. That would make your wealth tax at $21,200. You're liquid $10k and we know you don't want to drain your bank account. So let me ask you. Which car you selling? Which of your wife's rings are you pawning? Maybe you take some from your retirement and suck up the 10% penalty. Add a few zeros and that's what billionaires would be faced with. That's what in the world I'm talking about. Fug em right?
  6. That's on Biden. Funny how 12 months ago without a vaccine it was all on Trump. Now WITH a vaccine it's not on Biden it's 100% on those not vaccinated. Come on man!! Lead Joe...LEAD!!
  7. You made it sound like your client hygiene included clients who were not vaccinated. That is what we're talking about here. Sounds like some pretty drastic measure for a bad case of the flu. But you know you're can cower in fear if you like. I'm enjoying my life. BOO!!
  8. Those poor billionaires? You have no clue but I'm not surprised. Your ilk is quick with the jealousy short on the details. Taxes require liquidity. Where is that liquidity going to come from? What will they have to sell to fund the massive tax bill? What will that do to the market of the asset class they are having to sell? They will more than likely offshore those assets which will suck for our economy. How about this idea. Instead of coming up with more ways to redistribute wealth the government come up with ways to spend less of our money. Taxes are more times than not the biggest expense that people pay. Retirees finally see that when they are paying themselves and they don't have the company they work for paying their taxes for them from payroll deductions. It's very eye opening for them.
  9. You don't know do you? Yes I know that's why your asking. Because you don't know. But shouldn't you have asked that question long before your started chasing me around with your stupid "die at home" accusations or saying you'd shoot me with a dart. So to answer your question. It's none of your business. Carry on Nosey Nellie.
  10. Nope. Cap gains is if they sell which is already in place. A wealth tax is a % tax on total wealth. That would require a full auditing and valuation of all assets. Homes, businesses, investments, cars, jewelry, ownership stake in things like football teams. So I want you to think for a minute about a billionaire having to go through that exercise EVERY *****IN YEAR! Perfect example of politicians not thinking things through at all.
  11. So you asked your clients if they were vaccinated and if not you said “sorry…you’re on your own”? For your sake I hope that doesn’t get out into the community. What other poor “hygiene” questions did you ask? How about birth control? Over population is a huge problem. What about child car seats. That was brought up not long ago. Anything else that is none of your business thar has zero bearing on your relationship? I couldn’t imagine if I asked my clients that. And sounds like you should not have had children. Good lord. Always the stick and never the carrot. How about discounts for those that HAVE been vaccinated?
  12. What questions about Trunps return should they be answering that had not already been answered by filing the return?
  13. If they have no compassion they are in the wrong profession. And how am “I helping”?
  14. That’s not what she said. Don’t be a Twit for Brains
  15. 3. “Many are understandably angry and frustrated with the unvaccinated, but triage must remain grounded upon likelihood of survival. Health care professionals should continue to honor duties of care and compassion.”
  16. The adult. No brainer. The vaccination status has nothing to do with this.
  17. Ok I voted and had to wait in line for 13 hours. Oh wait no. I voted (yes BTW) from the comfort of my kitchen. Voting is sooooo hard. Oh and who did I vote for to replace Newsom? Drum roll please……. Caitlyn Jenner! 😃 And I laughed and laughed just like I did when I check Donald J Trump in 2016.
  18. You do high end tax and this is your reply? 🤦🏻‍♂️
  19. Again I’m addressing your lack of compassion with your ***** then comment. Fair enough on your addiction comment.
  20. Well that’s what I was thinking but they were both 87 but of course not the same day. 🤦🏻‍♂️ Or What’s is your name? Whar is your favorite color? Narcan doesn’t work on alcohol poisoning. Putz. So you dump a high end tax client that’s not vaccinated? Send them my way!
  21. So OD arrivals at the ER? They just get stacked up like cords of wood? Ha! The one that knows the queens date of birth.
  22. Why is a vaxxed person a better use of time? ***** them? I hope you don’t work in healthcare.
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