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Chef Jim

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Everything posted by Chef Jim

  1. Yeah but as long as the US military casualties are under 100 it's all good.
  2. Uh huh.....and your point? Well to be fair we were kind of a laughingstock from 2017-2021. Just not quite this bad. And I liked Trump so I didn't give a *****.
  3. Regardless the most hilarious part of this whole exchange is that @Governor (I think @dogcatcher is probably more appropriate but that's a conversation for another day) thinks I'm the one twisting into a pretzel.
  4. I'm twisting myself. You're the one insinuating that Trump didn't think he was going win the 2020 election. With that fact alone you should bury your head in shame.
  5. So wait. When Trump made that deal he didn't think he was going to be President in 2021? Are you really going with this? What do I want now? Nothing. It's too ***** up to fix.
  6. I have a good friend from GA and she absolutely love Herschel. I love his son Christian too.
  7. Oh no no no. According to @Governor it's absolutely perfect!! Perfect I tell ya!!
  8. Piece of *****? Not really. Whiner? Abso*****inglutely!
  9. No. I'd prefer what Trump had planned. Withdraw and the agreement with the Taliban was "you keep your nose clean and if you don't we're coming back and kicking your ass!" I'm pretty sure when Trump made that agreement he KNEW they'd not keep their noses clean. That's how they operate. Then we'd have completely legitimate reasons for wiping those ***** off the face of the earth. But no we have this cluster*****.
  10. Some say yes some say no. Regardless what's your point?
  11. Now it's successful?? What happened to the word PERFECT? So you base the level of success on the death count only? WTF is wrong with you?
  12. 100? Where did that number come from? So 75 dead American soldiers would still be perfect? How about 82? 67? What about the billions of dollars of US military hardware now in the hands of the Taliban? Is that perfect? You have a very warped sense of perfection.
  13. What's amazing is you considering this as perfect. You one of the few of the nearly 8,000,000,000 people in the world that feels that way. You are truly unique I will say that. Again you never answered this the last time. What makes it perfect? What would you consider an imperfect withdrawal.
  14. Why in the world would I ask him? YOU posted it so you most likely had a reason behind it no? Or are you really that mindless that you post ***** for.......oh wait. Never mind.
  15. Motivating people to do the right thing. Bringing in people from all walks of life to motivate those not being vaccinated. You know people like them. Leaders that the Black and Hispanic community trust and believe. Leaders in the rural areas that those in rural areas trust and believe. Leaders in the Republican party that Republicans trust and believe. You know manage, lead! Be creative. Not stand there like the old man he is and drone on about masks and shots. Politicians are so bad at leading which is a shame because that's what we hire them to do.
  16. So will we start quarantining kids when they get the flu going forward. Probably the safest place for a kid to be where they won't pass it on to someone who it could really affect is in school with other kids.
  17. How many reams of paper in a ton? And how many tons of records are we talking! 2? 11? 257?? Twit for Brains.
  18. I’ll ask again. What do these pictures prove?
  19. Awesome memo dude. How’d it work out?
  20. No. He’s not doing anything to stop the spread now is he?
  21. Why are we seeing so few vaccinated? Why are we seeing spikes in cases, hospitalizations and deaths? Why are you not slamming Joe for this?
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