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Chef Jim

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Everything posted by Chef Jim

  1. I'm reading A War to be Won on WWII. It's a great book but damn is it sleep inducing.
  2. Mr President? You're being impeached Biden: I prefer vanilla but I'll take two scoops in a cone please.
  3. I was rogue No vax No mask No *****
  4. So I had no ***** idea what the OP was talking about but I was 100% right? I'm brilliant aren't I? Oh wait that's The Onion?? I guess I could get a job writing for them. LOL
  5. H.P. Lovecraft. Psychological horror. If you like Steven King you'll love HPL as King was inspired by him. I got his complete works for my Kindle for a whopping $.99 Many of his stories are short but the themes are often carried on from one to the other. Not is a serial fashion just thematically. Good stuff! Do you mean Cold Mountain? If so I read that years ago. Good one! I have an autographed first edition. I collect first editions. I have a first edition of Lovecraft's The Outsider and Others. Damn thing is worth about $2k!
  6. Get back to us when the ruling comes down mmmmkay. How did he work WITH white supremacists??
  7. Thank you for your service! And I don't say that flippantly like so many do!
  8. Trump was the first to announce it. Announcing it is not the problem. Not have an apparent plan of execution for ALL possible contingencies seems to be the problem here. Again you know.........leadership.
  9. My comment in the Covid Mandate thread got me to thinking of leadership and bi-partisan teamwork in DC. Barber Conable was one of the last true Leaders and Statemen in DC. I had the luxury of growing up in the very small town of Alexander (pop 509) where Barber made his away for DC home. I loved snooping around his house when I was little and would hang out with his son when they were in town. Here is a very good article on the passing of Barber in 2003. A great read! Miss you Barber there will likely never be one like you in DC again. http://hnn.us/articles/1848.html
  10. And Biden should be reaching out to the community leaders like I mentioned to get them to motivate people to get it done. You know......teamwork! You're just pissed because it's a great idea and your old man didn't think of it because he has no idea how to lead. Not his fault actually. He's had no real role models in DC in the half a century he's been there to show him what true leadership is. Carry on Follower
  11. He plays a boring dumb ass sport where he rams his head against "walls" and incurs brain damage. You're surprised? And who cares?
  12. Again this is why, IMO, why Trump made the deal. Don't ***** with us or you're toast. He knew they'd ***** with us and we'd have 100% justification for bringing down the hammer. Now? More hand wringing. This administration is so ***** over this.
  13. Oh no I don't disagree. I just wanted clarification.
  14. Why is this a game changer? How does it change the game?
  15. Broadcast what they are doing? So in your tiny mind not doing something is just "being afraid to broadcast it" Hahahahahaha!! They don't want to inflame the right. Bwahahahahaha! So they've not done what I suggested. Got it thanks for the clarification and the great belly laugh. Carry on Clown.
  16. No. We've got 96 more to go right @Governor? As someone mentioned a bit ago. The internet never forgets and you're comments will not (actually have not already) age well.
  17. Ahhhh bureaucratic "red tape". I guess it takes time to make sure the money goes to the "right" people. Yeah I'm just a bit cynical as to where our money is going.
  18. Have you seen it happen and if so show me where and when?
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