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Chef Jim

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Everything posted by Chef Jim

  1. Condemned or not my point is anti-semitism (and racism) has been around forever and we are likely seeing more of it is because of social media’s ability to shine bright lights on it.
  2. Trump is not the most eloquent of writers but yeah that’s not what he was calling for.
  3. Thanks for the advice but I don’t need any advice. 😁 I’ve got 120k on mine and driving it until the wheels fall off.
  4. And they seem to me at this point to be good for local driving and commuting so you can charge over night in your garage overnight. I’ve heard horror stories about long trips however due to lack of charging stations and the time it takes at some of them. I have a 6-series and just got a new battery installed. Cost about $750. I was just wondering how much to replace one in an EV.
  5. Just because you have no memory doesn’t mean it didn’t exist. https://jcrc.org/uploads/ANTI-SEMITISM_IN_THE_1980S_FEBRUARY%2C_1983_(1).pdf Ever hear of the Nation of Islam? And the ole “nice people” BS.
  6. Pretty accurate assessment of this place. Why I spend so much time here is beyond me. I guess that’s what retirement does. Right @B-Man ? LOL
  7. Is the rise and acceptable actually rising or is it a perception because with social media and the 24/7 news cycle it’s having a bigger and brighter light shined on it?
  8. Awwww isn’t that cute. You disagree with someone and you go out of your way to make sure I know what name you called me. 🙄 So Jews in the US that are one generation removed are more sensitive to the sea of antisemitism? I’ll have to run that by my wife. She’ll get a kick out of that.
  9. And I quote: Nazi-ism and the holocaust are not in most people’s lifetimes but many Jewish folk only need look back one generation to know victims of it.
  10. So his comparison of the Holocaust and today’s sea of change makes perfect sense to you? If this is how your mother taught you how to think critically she should be slapped. 😡
  11. Your incessant rants about the GOP is all the evidence we need. You would jump for joy if the Republican Party of today disappeared and you know it.
  12. So someone who never experienced the holocaust will recognize the sea of change. Funny how Jewish DNA works. 🙄
  13. And they would likely kick you in the nuts for making the comparison.
  14. No deflecting Billy. That’s your job.
  15. My party? You mean the party you wish didn’t exist? 🙄
  16. I really don’t think he bought it to make money. He bought it to do exactly what he’s doing now. Shining a bright light on the shenanigans that Twitter was involved in.
  17. Ooooh lookie. Billy Boy found another whack job on the Twit for Brains machine.
  18. How much did you pay for it above a comparable gas vehicle? What’s the life of your battery and what’s the replacement cost? How much of a B word would it be to drive it north to SF or OR or WA?
  19. Eh? Now it makes perfect sense!! You're CANADIAN!!!!!
  20. Life is about Trump with him. It can't be good for him to be that angry at one person. But then again neither can psychosis.
  21. He quotes one dumbass and refers to it as "these people". Not sure who's the bigger dumbass. The original Tweet, the guy who retweeted it or Billy Boy for retweeting the retweet. Get off the Twit For Brains machine Billy.
  22. It bogles my mind why Newsom said he's not going to run. Well now that I think about it he's in a great position. Why leave a state where 75% of the population worships you to take a job were 50% of the population will hate your guts.
  23. Regardless of what it really is it absolutely has the look of the latter. Bad optics all around.
  24. Nice backhanded compliment Newt. Good job. “……and other personal flaws.” 😂
  25. You know I’m actually with Trump on this one. Let’s have a new election. It’s going to take a lot of work to pull this all together so maybe we should look at taking our time and doing it right. Give it 24 months or so. TRUMP 2024!! 😂😂😂
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