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Chef Jim

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Everything posted by Chef Jim

  1. Football is so boring they have to make the ball out of pig skin to get fat people interested.
  2. And accusing Trump of releasing prisoners he never had in custody to release to begin with.
  3. Football is so boring they need fireworks when the teams come on field to play so the fans can tell when the pre-game warm up ends and the actual game begins.
  4. Football is so boring Bruce Smith snorted the 50 yard line to stay awake during games. <ok this could be fun>
  5. You love spreading this lie don’t you. You have zero credibility here and only you could achieve a negative credibility score. 😂
  6. Nope. Baseball is not boring at all. There is constant action. Maybe something as simple as the outfield shift. The catcher lining up on the inside of the plate. Subtle but interesting. Football?? Booooring. A bunch of big (and some true fat *****) wandering around on fake grass holding hands in the huddle. And lots of these shots. Ooooh exciting. 😉
  7. Wow. This is ***** awesome. The guy critiquing the past 5 years is accusing me of Monday morning quarterbacking. 😂😂 Now to my question you shied away from. What parts of the Constitution did Trump piss all over and how has it made your personal life worse? Oh and what favorite safe space are you talking about?
  8. Awww poor Billy Boy. That one man has totally ***** things up! Here. Have a tissue. Hysteria is not very becoming. Piss all over the constitution? Such as? And how has it affected you?
  9. Look in the mirror. Hilarious post is the week award goes to……. Carry on blind tool boy. 😂😂😂😂😂😂😂
  10. Hey CNN!! Democrats do things like pay taxes and pump gas too! I’ve been yelling about this for two years. Check the dates. https://amp.usatoday.com/amp/4061696002 https://www.sfchronicle.com/business/article/Newsom-calls-for-investigation-into-13789550.php Still waiting on what you found out pretty boy.
  11. Ok one comment here. It would be pretty easy to research the cost of all the upgrades to the school to ascertain whether or not they were (as we say in my industry) fair and reasonable. Why didn’t you do that?
  12. He teared up? Good lord. We’ve lost our balls folks. I’m starting to think, though a bit hysterical, that @oldmanfan is right.
  13. My distain for celebrities is well documented on this forum. It stems from my years cooking for them in LA/Hollywood. I had the opportunity to cook for some very nice/humble people but for the most part I was another one of their "servants". I learned real quick that they thrive on the attention and being fawned over. I can't stand that. They also felt that, as you put it, their opinions matter to us all. That has just gotten worse the past few years. On to athletes and my distain for them. I use to be a HUGE sports fan. I moved to LA in 1983. In the middle of the Laker/Celtic rivalry. It was an amazing time to be here and watch the Lakers play! Magic, Kareem, Byron, Worthy. A TEAM. Larry, McHale, Ainge. A TEAM. Then Kobe showed up. People worship him. Me? What a whiney B word! Cried foul every time he was touched. I saw that attitude become pervasive in the NBA. The feud between him and Shaq sealed the deal. Bye bye NBA. No worries I've still got the NFL and MLB. Then one day after 17 years of Buffalo Bills disappointments and Monday morning depression I said ***** it. No need to follow a bunch of overpaid grown whiney men playing a game. Sundays the past 5 or so years have been awesome. Following a football team, though fun, is also very stressful. You GOTTA win every Sunday. Baseball? Not so much. We got our asses kicked? Who cares. We play again tomorrow. Baseball was the last, and most difficult sport, for me to move on from.
  14. Man you’re a one trick pony aren’t you.
  15. At some point you gotta wonder what the ***** were they doing there in the first place.
  16. Seriously pay attention to how much of a football game is actually interesting.
  17. I was thinking of you so I made Poutine.
  18. Easy man. He's not a pathetic idiot. He's Canadi........Oh never mind Carry on. And what exactly did you hear? Details man. Details!!
  19. I remember that one. After I got into finance I was back "home" visiting my mom. She said "you need to go down and talk to Barber" I said I will....maybe later. I never did. There are few things I regret in life and that was one of them. Never talking to Barber before he passed. Another mom/Barber story. Barber had a tree put in front of every house in Alexander. The one in front of ours died. Mom said it was because they were Democrats. LOL
  20. America. ***** up Durkadurkastan more that a bunch of marionettes.
  21. Let me ask you. When was the last time you head anything about the Taliban prior to 2020?
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